Album Title: : A very special cuckold 
The Cuckold

cover album

A very special cuckold

Description: Since I discovered this side of my cuckold I can't give it up anymore. To understand better, read the story ...

From: dolcicorna | Created on the: 31-10-2017 21:35:28h

Prima condizione fon sopra
First fundamental condition for a cuckold...
Comments 3
Date: 31-10-2017 21:38:57h
La prima foto dopo l sopra
The first photo after her complete hair removal...
Comments 5
Date: 31-10-2017 21:40:32h
Piace anche il lato sopra
Do you also like side B?...
Comments 7
Date: 31-10-2017 21:41:42h
Prove di lingerie sopra
Trials of lingerie...
Comments 3
Date: 31-10-2017 21:42:28h
Prove di camminata s sopra
Walk tests on 16 cm heels....
Comments 2
Date: 31-10-2017 21:45:13h
Particolari... in pu sopra
Details ... in public. The risk of others seeing makes it al...
Comments 3
Date: 31-10-2017 21:47:40h
L'immancabile cintur sopra
The inevitable belt...
Comments 4
Date: 31-10-2017 21:48:26h
Impara a star seduto sopra
Learn to sit like a woman...
Comments 6
Date: 31-10-2017 21:49:36h
Bravo, così va megl sopra
Bravo, that's better, or should I say good?...
Comments 4
Date: 31-10-2017 21:51:44h
Sai che questa cintu sopra
Do you know this belt is really sexy?...
Comments 2
Date: 31-10-2017 21:54:58h
Anche tu devi portar sopra
You also have to wear the anklet on the right ... and the na...
Comments 1
Date: 31-10-2017 21:58:57h
Mi piace farti cerca sopra
I like to have you look for things down in the supermarket...
Comments 5
Date: 31-10-2017 22:00:34h
Impara che per esser sopra
Learn that to be feminine you have to take care of the detai...
Comments 3
Date: 31-10-2017 22:01:29h
Sì, da dietro non s sopra
Yes, from behind you are not bad at all....
Comments 6
Date: 31-10-2017 22:02:41h
E d'ora in poi al pr sopra
And from now on you come to the private room like this!...
Comments 2
Date: 31-10-2017 22:03:42h
Naturalmente ti vest sopra
Of course you dress like this every time I ask ... even in t...
Comments 2
Date: 31-10-2017 22:05:19h
Adesso sì che cammi sopra
Now you are walking well...
Comments 4
Date: 31-10-2017 22:06:34h
Per essere un uomo p sopra
To be a particular man you have to learn to love one thing ....
Comments 7
Date: 31-10-2017 22:07:37h
Però... sembra prop sopra
But ... you really seem to like it!...
Comments 5
Date: 31-10-2017 22:08:50h
Guêpière e cintura sopra
Guêpière and belt in a man are the best...
Comments 6
Date: 03-11-2017 00:15:11h
Comincio a invidiare sopra
I'm starting to envy my cuck's legs...
Comments 8
Date: 03-11-2017 00:16:42h
Anche le altre sweet sopra
The other sweets also appreciate the novelty...
Comments 13
Date: 03-11-2017 00:20:45h
Solo chi saprà pren sopra
Only those who know how to take us mentally will also be abl...
Comments 26
Date: 08-11-2017 23:27:01h
Qunto mi piace porta sopra
Qunto I like to take him to crowded shops to try on shoes wi...
Comments 6
Date: 27-11-2017 23:16:03h