...my WHORE BITCH ...when so 
logo The Cuckold

Description:   ...my WHORE BITCH ...when sometimes we met inside a shopping center....she would come dressed like this...with a jacket over it that she kept maliciously half open..so that when she moved...something "forbidden" was always visible!!! And the faces of the husbands who accompanied their wives to do the shopping..suddenly lit up with a smile... The wives, however, when they noticed this...were not so happy...!!! The Cuckold of My BITCH instead stayed at home waiting for his little wife to return with the shopping packages....while..instead the BITCH just before returning home..was busy unwrapping other "PACKAGES"...
...my WHORE BITCH ...when sometimes we met inside a shopping center....she would come dressed like this...with a jacket over it that she kept maliciously half open..so that when she moved...something "forbidden" was always visible!!! And the faces of the husbands who accompanied their wives to do the shopping..suddenly lit up with a smile... The wives, however, when they noticed this...were not so happy...!!! The Cuckold of My BITCH instead stayed at home waiting for his little wife to return with the shopping packages....while..instead the BITCH just before returning home..was busy unwrapping other "PACKAGES"...

Date: 06-12-2024 23:27:35


Quando ti ha inviato questa? avatar ..Queste è una foto che mi invio quando era in Italia....le altre che ho postato ora..me l'ha inviate oggi pomeriggio...!! Ma tu l'hai sentita ieri o ieri l'altro..?? ..Mi accennava al fatto che tu sapessi da chi era.....

07-12-2024 19:06:51