I renew the invitation to husb 
logo La Moglie Offerta

Description: I renew the invitation to husbands or boyfriends in the same situation as me to exchange opinions and cheating stories via Skype: sonomestesso@hotmail.com if you haven't seen it yet, I have an album full of comics like this. Go and take a look at it and leave comments for those who are closest to your experiences.
I renew the invitation to husbands or boyfriends in the same situation as me to exchange opinions and cheating stories via Skype: sonomestesso@hotmail.com if you haven't seen it yet, I have an album full of comics like this. Go and take a look at it and leave comments for those who are closest to your experiences.

Date: 23-03-2024 08:43:36


Sei tu che disegni? Complimenti sei bravissimo.Io non sono un cuck, ho una bella moglie che si fa fotografare, sa che la mostro e segue i miei voleri.Non chiedo incontri, non li volete fare per cui non avrebbe senso.Ma se ti andasse di scrivermi..... trovi il mio skype sul profilo ciao

24-08-2024 09:05:46


Siiiii fatti spaccare tutto porco

29-03-2024 21:53:10