I had been going to a CP for a 
logo The Cuckold

Description: I had been going to a CP for a few weeks when one day the husband said to me, since you have small hands, mine are too big, would you try fisting my wife?
I had been going to a CP for a few weeks when one day the husband said to me, since you have small hands, mine are too big, would you try fisting my wife?

Date: 13-03-2025 15:07:41


Bello, mi piacerebbe per lei avatar Come avrai letto anche per me è stata una novità che avevo visto solo nei film ma ti posso assicurare che a lei piaceva moltissimo e il marito si eccitava al solo pensarci. Ci vuole calma, attenzione e fiducia.

13-03-2025 15:19:38