To be honest, I never imagined 
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Description: To be honest, I never imagined I would dare so much. I had gotten to know the beautiful lady in the weeks before the meeting, through an increasingly spontaneous contact free from legitimate fears. Her sweetness still echoes in my stomach. Yes, because sweetness is something that touches me deeply. Never, never would I have imagined seeing in her words, spontaneous confessions that her husband probably didn't even know. That's why I often reiterate this passage in every possible place. If you are an aspiring husband, facilitate the contact but then step aside, maybe a little further, and let your wife be herself. The conditions, that's how it is. It's right that she lives this vs complicity according to her desires, her unconfessed (to you) fantasies. It was brutal to see for you, husband and my accomplice. But it was VERY SWEET for her and for me to discover ourselves so opposite and complementary. It was wonderful to possess her skin where she would never have thought of enjoying herself. Not even with you...Preparation for the inevitable.Only for real meeting
To be honest, I never imagined I would dare so much. I had gotten to know the beautiful lady in the weeks before the meeting, through an increasingly spontaneous contact free from legitimate fears. Her sweetness still echoes in my stomach. Yes, because sweetness is something that touches me deeply. Never, never would I have imagined seeing in her words, spontaneous confessions that her husband probably didn't even know. That's why I often reiterate this passage in every possible place. If you are an aspiring husband, facilitate the contact but then step aside, maybe a little further, and let your wife be herself. The conditions, that's how it is. It's right that she lives this vs complicity according to her desires, her unconfessed (to you) fantasies. It was brutal to see for you, husband and my accomplice. But it was VERY SWEET for her and for me to discover ourselves so opposite and complementary. It was wonderful to possess her skin where she would never have thought of enjoying herself. Not even with you...Preparation for the inevitable.Only for real meeting

Date: 21-12-2024 09:24:27


Ottima filosofia avatar Non bisogna piacere per forza. Il mio profilo è abbastanza chiaro e ,direi, netto. Lascio sempre la scelta ed accetto con serenità anche i no. Ma troppo spesso, noto gente fuffa , profili fake e gente inconcludente. Non abbiate paure, non forzate mai nessuno e non mettete in bocca le vs mogli, parole pensieri e fantasie non sue... E tu, che profilo sei?

12-01-2025 07:21:10