STORY TITLE: New Car - Naughty Me 

New Car - Naughty Me

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New Car - Naughty Me

by DurkeeAtwood
Viewed: 564 times Comments 5 Date: 04-12-2018 Language: Language

I was due to meet a friend and colleague from the hospital who knew someone who was selling a Mini. I had owned a Mini once before and loved it to bits. I was intending to get another because my son is turning seventeen and it would be nice for him drive as well.
I thought I vaguely recognised the name of the person who was selling the car but could not put a face to him. He was a radiologist at the Nuffield Hospital and apparently I had met him once or twice before. I was due to meet David at 6.30 that evening in order to go and see the car. Jack was away on business otherwise he would have come with me instead of David. David was quite a touchy feely kind of guy and was always grabbing handfulls of my boobs. This must have been a sort of rack envy thing because as far as I knew he was definitely batting for the other team. So he was just one of the girls and otherwise safe. Jack always made himself scarce when David visited the house because he hated being greeted with a kiss by him. So when I suggested to Jack that David would take me in his absence he was fine about it.

However, David was asked to cover for someone that was off sick. It was either him or me to do the cover as we both had the night off. He said he could rearrange the meeting but I said that I would be OK to go alone.
When I met Sean Ahearn (that was his name) I realised that I did know him and had spoken to him many times on the phone. I always called him Paddy like everyone else as that was how I was first introduced to him. For some unknown reason I thought Sean was someone else I had met just once. I didn't realise that 'Paddy' wasn't his real name and was a somewhat derogatory name pinned on him in cruel fun. I just hoped I hadn't called him Paddy but couldn't remember. I think I just said 'hi' when someone said Paddy was on the phone. I met Sean outside the hospital in the staff car park. I had a good look at the vehicle and had a drive. It was lovely. I decided to buy the vehicle and he said he’d deliver it to me the next day and arrange to get a lift back with the ambulance crew. We decided to celebrate the deal by having a drink nearby. We sat and talked about work and some people we both knew. He had a very soft but deep voice and a delightful Irish accent that didn't really come across on the telephone. I thought maybe he had a telephone voice as I and some of my colleagues constantly goad one another over. I think we were in the pub for over two hours chatting away. When we got up to leave I realised that the drink had gone straight to my head. I hadn't eaten for a few hours and although I hadn't drunk too much I was in no condition to drive home. Sean suggested that I had better have something to eat and see if I sobered up a bit later on. We walked by the river and it soon became quite dark.
Fortunately it was a very warm evening and the lights along the banks made the experience surreal. I was wearing a short-sleeved white roll-neck jersey top. Because it was warm I wasn't wearing a bra. I was wearing a thigh length skirt, moderately high-healed shoes, no panty-hose and a skimpy pair of silk knickers. Sean was telling me that he was sure he had met me before somewhere and was reeling off places that I had never heard of in an attempt to click with me.
It didn't but I was getting the distinct impression that he was skirting around the real reason for knowing me. Call it intuition or sixth sense, I don't know but he was alluding to something. I was a little worried that he may have seen some of my pictures on the internet or something. Especially as he admitted spending a lot of time surfing. Sean had something about him that was quite reassuring. A calmness, a gentleness that was in contrast to his tall masculinity. I therefore felt safe to suggest he had perhaps seen my photograph somewhere, New Nudes, or somewhere else.
He hadn't as it happened. I blushed and my nipples were like thimbles under my thin top. I knew this because his eyes were constantly darting towards them. He stopped me in my tracks and told me he thought I was gorgeous and had thought so when we first met at an 'Investment In People' meeting that I had coordinated a couple of years earlier. I suddenly realised that we had made eye contact several times at that meeting and I never did realise who he was at the time.

Of course now the New Nudes thing was out of the bag… me and my big mouth, I made it out to be a shocking joke to see what his reaction was. I suddenly realised that I was sounding like a bit of a naughty girl. At least that was the nature of the dialogue for a while before the kiss. The more I tried to be casual about posing naked and having no problem with that thought the more I sounded like I was suggesting a more intimate relationship. I did like the kiss though.

I responded to the kiss and the situation became more intense. I had no option but to enjoy the closeness…it felt fine. His hand was gently caressing my stiffened nipples through my top and soon his hand went up inside it. We found ourselves against the wall of a bridge and within the shadows. His hand soon went between my legs and started to massage my more than moist womanhood.
The passion of the moment, the excitement filled with terror was an intoxicating combination. I knew him and yet I knew nothing about him. I trusted him because I had talked with him several times and yet I barely recognised him when I saw him. This was the stranger I and other women had fantasised about and yet he was someone I had known for sometime and I had put a completely different face to.
I was having a moral dilemma and my erogenous zones tingled at the same time. My legs gently parted as things progressed and a deft finger slipped around my wetted knickers and plunged into my warmth.
I was ready for anything now. I hungered for more exploration as my nipples were sucked and teased. He broke my panties, they were my favourites…but somehow that wasn't important. They fell to my feet, attached to my one ankle via one slim thread. They would be no protection now. That gossamer thin silk that protected me from nakedness was gone. Sean was fumbling with his wallet as he continued to kiss my face, lips, and eyes. Then he was in me. He felt so firm and his strokes were slow and even. I raised my leg and hooked it around his hips. Penetration was deep and exhilarating. His fingers were squeezing and flicking my nipples until I could scream with ecstasy. We were so into what we were doing that we were oblivious to the people who had walked passed. I shuddered as I reached orgasm. It was delightful. I could have gone on and on but things don't quite happen like that. Sean was a gentleman and had taken the precaution of wearing protection. He promised to buy me a new pair of panties but I think I will wait a long time before he does. I didn't want to know if he was married and he didn't ask me. It was as if because we didn't ask, it wasn't important. I was sober by the time we had finished and prepared to drive home.
Sean delivered the car the next day and we filled in the paperwork. I made some tea and we talked around everything else but what we had done the previous night. Sean started to leave and as we reached the door we kissed each other on the cheek. Then we looked at each other's eyes and he gave me a small kiss on the lips then as he moved away I moved forwards and kissed his lips. The kiss lasted longer this time and I opened my lips and our tongues met. I pulled him back from the door and into the dining room. My bottom was against the dining table and finally I slid backwards onto it as his hands thrust up inside my sweater and pulling my bra up over my tits he started to massage them. I pulled my panties off myself this time because I didn't want him to snap these. His cock entered me forcefully and as he pounded my hot box my tits were bouncing in all directions. Then all at once he stopped and withdrew his cock and it exploded it's load across my tits, face and hair.
After cleaning up we had sex again on the floor of my sitting room. Full unfettered sex and oral stimulation. I came three times in various positions, including on the edge of a table with my feet on two chairs. I don't know if we will ever do it but I suppose we would if the situation arises. That will be a completely new deserves it.