This profile has been visited 210 times
United States
His age: 35
Her age: 2025
On LMO since:
07-08-2021 08:42:01h
Last login:
07-08-2021 09:11:20h
I'm a 31/W.m/buffalo NY but Im not your average tiny white penis having cuck. But I also know that I dont have a bbc either so I know the role I will almost always be asked to play. But I also have the stamina, size, and dominance to come in and play bull if asked to do so if need be. On those rare occasions where my average sized white man is the biggest in the trio and thus best equipped to please the hotwife bevause To me that's what this life is all about ..her. Her satisfaction, her orgasms her rules. And while we're on rules now seems an appropriate time to mention that for me there are no boundaries that I haven't already considered trying. An extreme example would be that I consider myself a 100% straight man And at first was just into the watching my wife get fucked fantasy where I just watch. But as I got more into it and the longer I went without finding a couple to be a cuck for or a pair to play bull for. The more my lines started to blur and now even with having been with a few women who knew what I'm into and were completely into the idea as well. I have yet to have my biggest fantasy play out. Apparently, scouring the internet for a couple years in search of hung bulls to fuck my woman changed something because now if a couple were going at it and the wife wanted to force me to suck her bull's bbc while verbally humiliating (I love being degraded and humiliated now as well) me I would not think twice, id serve my woman with no questions and with no shame either. So maybe going this long without an actual encounter was for the better it made me go over all the scenarios and think about what turns me on. And it made me better prepared to take my role whatever it may be that night and push everyone involved to make it extra memorable and more erotic then they probably expected. But I don't want to wait any more so if anyone has any pointers or advice feel free to jump right in and tell me. AND if your in the lockport/buffalo area and need a cuckold/bull I will make sure there's a fast way to get in touch