Album Title: : Dancing, ice cream and horns.. 
The Cuckold

cover album

Dancing, ice cream and horns..

Description: We enjoyed spending the evening of yesterday 28th July in Grottammare, in a dance hall by the sea, we sat down to taste a good ice cream, then, given that I don't really like dancing, Angela accepted the invitation of a boy with cheese & pepper hair, as time passed and one dance after another the boy became more and more daring, all before my eyes, my wife liked it very much, she told me that while they were dancing, after several dances in which he groped her everywhere making him feel how much he excited her, the boy asked her to go for a walk towards the dark beach, my wife didn't find it appropriate to grant him that request. Who knows what he wanted...? At the end of the evening, however, we got his phone number, my wife demanded that I ask her for it..

From: cornutoestivo | Created on: 29-07-2024 12:41:06h

Il giovanotto, visto sopra
The young man, since he didn't see my wife dancing, asks...
Comments 1
Date: 29-07-2024 12:45:15h
Angela si alza entus sopra
Angela gets up enthusiastic about the agreement she had with...
Comments 0
Date: 29-07-2024 12:47:46h
Vanno avanti nel dan sopra
They continue dancing for some time, he becomes more and mor...
Comments 0
Date: 29-07-2024 12:51:27h
Dopo vario tempo il sopra
After some time the boy understands that perhaps he can dare...
Comments 1
Date: 29-07-2024 12:56:31h
..ed allora il ragaz sopra
..and then the boy dares, he does it in a sensual and intell...
Comments 1
Date: 29-07-2024 12:59:14h
Le loro mani si incr sopra
Their hands cross and he makes her feel on her butt what he ...
Comments 1
Date: 29-07-2024 13:03:59h
 Ballando tra loro m sopra
Dancing with each other they come close to me and remain in...
Comments 1
Date: 29-07-2024 13:09:19h
Fosse stato per lui sopra
If it were up to him he would have fucked her in the presenc...
Comments 1
Date: 29-07-2024 13:11:00h
Lei sa sempre cosa f sopra
She always knows what to do, she doesn't accept being ta...
Comments 2
Date: 29-07-2024 13:14:12h
Alla fine si sono sa sopra
At the end they said goodbye, promising each other to see ea...
Comments 3
Date: 29-07-2024 14:38:36h