Description: meeting with a salesman "recruited" on the street by both of us, while, walking back after a drunken evening, I met the dark gaze of a virile male leaning at the entrance of his hotel, smoking a cigarette with a very sexy bad boy looks and , faced with the gaze of my cuckold, I dared to pick him up by asking him to offer me a cigarette... I immediately felt his insistent gaze on my neckline and I understood then that the man was not insensitive to my charm. After drinking a little, I found the courage and confidence to ask him to come and have a drink at our house. The man, undoubtedly very alone, did not hesitate for a second and followed us to our apartment located a few hundred meters away, undoubtedly surprised but already offering me a precise view of his car through the hump of his jeans: I couldn't wait to discover the male and I wasn't disappointed at all... We had just settled on the sofa in front of my husband who had just served us one last glass of champagne when the boy approached me, pulled my face to his mouth with a sure hand and kissed me passionately with his encouraged tongue, without caring. all thanks to my cuckold who was observing the scene a few meters away. Did the boy think we were candaulists?
From: LUIELLEETEUX | Created on: 12-11-2023 09:29:57h