Album Title: : dressing rooms what a passion 
The Cuckold

cover album

dressing rooms what a passion

Description: Years ago, I met a couple, and after many emails and phone calls with both husband and wife, the day finally comes when we meet face to face. Already in our phone calls with her, we often ended up very excited and imagining our meeting but honestly from imagining to reality is always difficult ... but this time we went far beyond imagination. See you in the center ... we recognize each other immediately and I take her by the arm ... not before we have exchanged a chaste kiss. she is dressed in a short black skirt, shirt and jacket ... Walking we head towards a bar and we enter, looking for a place to sit ... put on and give me yours ... she no is composes she manages to take off hers and gives it to me ... she stays like this ... I don't tell you ... her husband asks how I find her, and I can only appreciate her and tell him how much he is a great cuckold ... we go out her arm to me him as a good cuck behind ... my hand every now and then massages that nice ass ... we pass in front of the shop where I bought the thong, it's a shop very particular, she stops to look .. Shall we enter? said done, the husband follows us, and then I say to the husband .. you stay out here take a walk now she is with me! the elderly saleswoman sees the scene and stays like that for a while; .. she comes in and catches sight of a slip .. how beautiful, it's a nice dress ... she tells me, I know you'd like to shoot like this ... let's go try it. and in doing so we head towards the dressing room together with the increasingly embarrassed saleswoman Try the slip and other underwear ... what better time to make out? and so it happens. She is well intentioned to keep up with the game, as is logical in her intentions, even if in fact she has a great desire to ... fuck ... while she was trying, I took pictures and touched her, at my request for a kiss she tells me no in words, and in saying it her language was already intertwined with mine ... The saleswoman, at a certain point, sensing that there was something tasty in place, would not leave us anymore. We compose ourselves, she chooses a garment, and we go to the cashier ... I pay, the husband is out walking in front of the windows like "la lupa der Campidoglio!" He wants to know ... then cuckold you know that your beautiful wife has given herself to do .. look here! and I show him the photos .. he is ecstatic .. at that point she is even more mine. The walk continues him, from the cuck behind and I her arm to kiss us for a long time .. give a show he says .. but I signal him not to break .... in the end it's time to say goodbye .. another long kiss and hand on the ass and on the pussy ... what a day ... Until next time ...

From: maximaquercia | Created on: 06-06-2020 15:14:15h

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Date: 06-06-2020 15:15:23h
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Date: 06-06-2020 15:15:41h
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Date: 06-06-2020 15:15:57h
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Date: 06-06-2020 15:16:51h
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Date: 06-06-2020 15:17:11h
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Date: 06-06-2020 15:17:32h
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Date: 06-06-2020 15:17:50h
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Date: 06-06-2020 15:18:13h
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Date: 06-06-2020 15:18:31h