The meeting place is a real ba 
logo The Cuckold

Description: The meeting place is a real battlefield from which one comes out exhausted and on which one leaves strength, energy, sweat, fantasies, seminal fluids and everything needed for mounting: handkerchiefs, used condoms, tray and glasses for pleasantries... The cuckold must always and in every way be honored with the reinforcement of his role, he will be devoted to the taurine race in an obedient and unconditional manner and there is no room for commiseration, even when he incites me by begging me to take his wife away from him and profane his marital bond I am merciless with him, the cuckold must be apostrophized and humiliated with the classic adulterous gesture of the hands... until the invitation for the final cleaning finishing touches... his task is that of an attentive observer and sad servant to whom he is granted a few photographs if desired. The deer wants an alpha male, distinguished and polite in public and who in intimacy knows how to abandon himself to bestial instincts, large endowment, authoritative and dominant a male who attests to his physical and sexual superiority and who guarantees the pleasure and well-being of his lady but above all certifies with the branding of his irreversible cuckold status. To strengthen his position I force him to witness the "athletic" feats of his wife while she enjoys all the weight of my powerful body, the unbridled mounting and the noise of the limbs caused by strong thrusts that continuously come into contact with alternating rhythms, the labored sighs and the gasps of the better half that over time evolve into screams of pleasure and insults directed at him. ....for my part I have always used a motto: "the more the cuckold's wife widens, the more his head branches out, the more the couple bond is violated and the more relief is granted to him" I am always available for those who are in line with my way of playing and want to intensely experience the thrill of adultery...I don't despise a coffee or an aperitif as an approach but never lose sight of the fact that my intent is to screw your wives:)
The meeting place is a real battlefield from which one comes out exhausted and on which one leaves strength, energy, sweat, fantasies, seminal fluids and everything needed for mounting: handkerchiefs, used condoms, tray and glasses for pleasantries... The cuckold must always and in every way be honored with the reinforcement of his role, he will be devoted to the taurine race in an obedient and unconditional manner and there is no room for commiseration, even when he incites me by begging me to take his wife away from him and profane his marital bond I am merciless with him, the cuckold must be apostrophized and humiliated with the classic adulterous gesture of the hands... until the invitation for the final cleaning finishing touches... his task is that of an attentive observer and sad servant to whom he is granted a few photographs if desired. The deer wants an alpha male, distinguished and polite in public and who in intimacy knows how to abandon himself to bestial instincts, large endowment, authoritative and dominant a male who attests to his physical and sexual superiority and who guarantees the pleasure and well-being of his lady but above all certifies with the branding of his irreversible cuckold status. To strengthen his position I force him to witness the "athletic" feats of his wife while she enjoys all the weight of my powerful body, the unbridled mounting and the noise of the limbs caused by strong thrusts that continuously come into contact with alternating rhythms, the labored sighs and the gasps of the better half that over time evolve into screams of pleasure and insults directed at him. ....for my part I have always used a motto: "the more the cuckold's wife widens, the more his head branches out, the more the couple bond is violated and the more relief is granted to him" I am always available for those who are in line with my way of playing and want to intensely experience the thrill of adultery...I don't despise a coffee or an aperitif as an approach but never lose sight of the fact that my intent is to screw your wives:)

Date: 17-08-2024 09:04:50


Grazie a nome di noi mesti servitori per scoparci le mogli! avatar vorrei scoparmi tua moglie per farti vivere con i 5 sensi intensi e sfrenati momenti adulteri

22-09-2024 10:08:35


Concordo, le mogli non vanno scopate vanno sfondate dai bull, perché con i bull devono provare orgasmi che con i mariti non ce lo avrebbero mai. Io desidero tante le corna, secondo te le merito? avatar embe è un tuo volere certo che le meriti le vuoi io sono disponibile :-)

26-08-2024 10:52:57


Avere una moglie "larga",plasmata dalla monta fino al limite delle sue possibilità di femmina è una sfida e una prova sia per la moglie che per il tutto sancito dal gesto rituale delle corna avatar cosi come nella mia mente scatta il pensiero eccitante che la moglie nel viaggio di ritorno a casa possa confidare al marito del bruciore intimo in atto dovuto allo sfregamento e all'opera di divaricazione...una prova anche per l'aguzzino

17-08-2024 11:21:00


"al cornuto più gli si allarga la moglie, più gli si ramifica la testa, più gli si viola il vincolo di coppia e più gli viene concesso il sollievo" belle parole ... la sensazione di vedere la propria donna profanata, posseduta nel corpo e nella mente da un grosso cazzo, ascoltarne i sospiri, le urla, la soddisfazione e le sconnesse frasi di incitazione ed ammirarne la gestuolità inequivocabile ... questo si che + bello! avatar per me che ho un forte debole per le donne altrui è bello godermi una bella moglie ma è altrettanto bello vedere il risvolto della medaglia di un marito cornuto e sofferentemente geloso e al tempo stesso appagato ed eccitato nel vedere la moglie deflorata e coinvolta da un altro uomo

17-08-2024 09:37:15