The cuck is a husband who take 
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Description: The cuck is a husband who takes pleasure in the erotic deeds and embraces of his woman with the chosen one, the perfect director who limits himself to observing, admiring and often immortalizing the moment with photographs and video recordings, limiting himself to fiddling while waiting for the final pleasantries , is the one who entrusts you with the keys to an emotional value because he believes you are capable of giving that psychophysical and sexual contribution that he himself does not feel like guaranteeing. And then there's only one way to thank him, to consolidate the role in which he feels most comfortable... it's always nice to feel the eyes of admiration and esteem on you from whoever made you the main actor, and then you enjoy the moment pushing, sinking hard and ever deeper listening to cries and gasps of pleasure, the encouragement and the spur as if I were immersed in a bike race until the explosion of pleasure that establishes the betrayal... I am always available for couples with the he is a cuck... I am authoritarian and ruthless with my beak and at the same time a gallant, dominant pig and accomplice with her in order to make her experience the thrill of betrayal intensely... I use a high level of cuck training, gestures, profanity, lots of imagination good physicality and a big, sinewy cock... I am available for occasional encounters but also for long-term, discreet and complicit relationships... if requested I don't shy away from taking photos and videos to immortalise the moment... also available for couples on holiday considering the seaside period
The cuck is a husband who takes pleasure in the erotic deeds and embraces of his woman with the chosen one, the perfect director who limits himself to observing, admiring and often immortalizing the moment with photographs and video recordings, limiting himself to fiddling while waiting for the final pleasantries , is the one who entrusts you with the keys to an emotional value because he believes you are capable of giving that psychophysical and sexual contribution that he himself does not feel like guaranteeing. And then there's only one way to thank him, to consolidate the role in which he feels most comfortable... it's always nice to feel the eyes of admiration and esteem on you from whoever made you the main actor, and then you enjoy the moment pushing, sinking hard and ever deeper listening to cries and gasps of pleasure, the encouragement and the spur as if I were immersed in a bike race until the explosion of pleasure that establishes the betrayal... I am always available for couples with the he is a cuck... I am authoritarian and ruthless with my beak and at the same time a gallant, dominant pig and accomplice with her in order to make her experience the thrill of betrayal intensely... I use a high level of cuck training, gestures, profanity, lots of imagination good physicality and a big, sinewy cock... I am available for occasional encounters but also for long-term, discreet and complicit relationships... if requested I don't shy away from taking photos and videos to immortalise the moment... also available for couples on holiday considering the seaside period

Date: 22-07-2024 12:33:45


Mmmm….mia moglie impazzisce quando il bull mi tratta male ed io devo ringraziarlo avatar beh quando nella tua vita di coppi decidi di far entrare un singolo tu lo faccia valutando determinati criteri e una volta constatato per certi aspetti superiori alle tue non c è altra scelta che prostrarti al suo volere ... è la dura sorte dei cornuti

26-07-2024 08:10:27


Molto interessante… avatar mi fa piacere che abbiate apprezzato

25-07-2024 11:41:07



22-07-2024 12:42:04