he's scolding her because 
logo The Cuckold

Description: he's scolding her because he didn't think she was such a slut (it was the very first time for them...). Unfortunately there are no photos of the riding because the husband didn't want to take them... he was too upset
he's scolding her because he didn't think she was such a slut (it was the very first time for them...). Unfortunately there are no photos of the riding because the husband didn't want to take them... he was too upset

Date: 10-09-2023 10:12:33


anche per me la prima volta è stato sconvolgente... vedere mia moglie farsi montare e lei che godeva con tanta passione quel maschio... poi col tempo ho apprezzato tutto ciò e adesso è qualcosa di meraviglioso avatar Bravo... hai apprezzato le cose belle della vita. Contattatemi...
22-01-2024 08:05:58

22-01-2024 06:44:37


Complimenti Doc bella situazione

05-11-2023 16:38:02


Spero non fosse serio. Ha avuto la fortuna di vedere il suo sogno esaudito, cosa non da tutti. Che se lo goda tutto fino in fondo!

14-09-2023 09:27:42