the same friend made this phot 
logo The Cuckold

Description: the same friend made this photomontage of how he would like to have a bedroom with a big screen at home to watch Barbara's videos with friends ...
the same friend made this photomontage of how he would like to have a bedroom with a big screen at home to watch Barbara's videos with friends ...

Date: 28-02-2014 15:04:53


Con la vulva in bella vista / tu ti esponi a noi signori / Hai la vulva d'un'artista / perciò noi lo tiriam fuori. / Per puntare il nostro cazzo / su di te bella bagascia / e sborrar con gran disprezzo / sulla schiava che ora ...piscia !! BACI avatar Kissssss
25-04-2021 17:55:12

24-04-2021 23:20:00