Transmitting the sense of poss 
The Cuckold

Transmitting the sense of possession to the cuck means making him experience intense adulterous moments. This is why I am ruthless towards him and by forcefully taking possession of his better half I love to realize all my most perverse fantasies using all the weapons at my disposal... foul language and gestures are fundamental to remember and reinforce his position. Show him his wife defiled in the most animalistic position of the entire erotic repertoire, belted with brute force and a firm grip on her hair that makes her arch her back indulging in his jealous pleasure. The right portion of dry cocks accompanied by sound slaps well placed on the rear to induce her to scream with unfaithful pleasure, the crash of the two bodies that abruptly come into contact with each thrust punctuated only by sighs and gasps of pleasure, my saliva that slowly slides on his back promptly recovered with a tongue stroke will make you further feel the weight of the horns on the cuck's head. authoritarian and ruthless with the beak and at the same time gallant, dominant pig and accomplice with her in order to make you intensely experience the thrill of betrayal... I use a highly trained cuck, gestures, foul language, lots of imagination, good physicality and a large and sinewy cock... I am available for occasional encounters but also for long-term, discreet and complicit relationships... if requested I don't shy away from photos and videos to immortalize the moment... also available for couples on holiday considering the seaside period

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