congratulations I see you are submissive, I use clothespins with chains or weights, to be used also for the pussy lips
Ouch... that looks like it hurt a little... mmmmm Lick Lick... would love to be there with you
Awesome... You can watch a short video with my cock to get an idea about how it looks. The password for the video is tenore16 My mail Kik giorgioplus
I don't need to watch a video I've got a pretty good idea how it looks!!! :-)
02-11-2019 01:55:39
Mmmmm .... very tantalizing tits ... !!! it would be a pleasure to nibble those nipples ...
Yes it would B, I guarantee U would enjoy!
01-11-2019 00:42:11
lovely clamps, and nips as well :)
These were not very strong, didn't really do much 4 mi. The guy I think just liked the idea but didn't really know anything :-(
29-10-2019 19:51:06
29-10-2019 08:12:51
Nice boobs
Thank U
27-10-2019 22:58:08
Ciao, io organizzo gang con altri miei amici, ospitiamo in appartamento zona eur, siamo in 5 ma possiamo essere di piu se vuoi, dai 35 anni in su.seri, sani e simpatici. La mia mail PS: sei splendida e molto sensuale.
Thanks but Gang Bangs are not my thing
27-10-2019 22:57:57
Mmm very beautiful
Thank U
26-10-2019 12:18:42
Mmmmmmm SEXY slave???I hope to read you soon and meet you and then enjoy you and your PLEASURE
22-10-2019 14:08:12
Wow what?
26-10-2019 18:09:20
This is what i prefear... do you want to be a little pet for me and my friend?
Why are U not man enoug bye alone?
21-10-2019 11:05:38
OMG!... so nice nipples trapped ! makeit free with no handson is my goal!
A real whore for a great bull
23-06-2019 23:57:40
Sexy... something to play not alone, but together with a Master that will drive you to maximise the pleasure...Vontact info on my profile
No positive feedback, no play partners, not seem to like master to me :-)
21-06-2019 16:02:55
Sei bellissima e uscire per una tazza di caffè non è reato