Hey, shall we get closer and m 
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Description: Hey, shall we get closer and meet for real? Also available for simple gradual soft games and for a possible (if welcome after meeting and getting to know each other) possible ongoing relationship without any problems of any kind for anyone, which can be slowed down or stopped when you want, of course, and as said without any problem, we can eventually remain simple friends. Hello to all the transgressive wives and husbands who want to share them with a friend (and Congratulations for having managed to intrigue and involve them creating a fantastic and wonderful understanding between you. Good continuation, I am here (and do not let my nickname influence you too much) I am very correct, very serious and very respectful of others and of personal and family privacy
Hey, shall we get closer and meet for real? Also available for simple gradual soft games and for a possible (if welcome after meeting and getting to know each other) possible ongoing relationship without any problems of any kind for anyone, which can be slowed down or stopped when you want, of course, and as said without any problem, we can eventually remain simple friends. Hello to all the transgressive wives and husbands who want to share them with a friend (and Congratulations for having managed to intrigue and involve them creating a fantastic and wonderful understanding between you. Good continuation, I am here (and do not let my nickname influence you too much) I am very correct, very serious and very respectful of others and of personal and family privacy

Date: 22-09-2024 01:23:43


Ho voglia che mi ispezioni dove desideri e che tu faccia le cose che desideri dandomi piacere e traendo piacere dal mio corpo. Tua Francesca avatar Mi stai eccitando Francesca, avrei piacere di incontrarvi presto, magari andiamo in un locale a farci l'aperitivo oppure a prendere qualcos'altro, così parliamo un pò di presenza e si inizia subito ad intrigarci ed attrarci. La mia email è tonisemplicemente@virgilio.it Ti voglio Francesca, ti sento mia!!! Ma di dove sei, siete? Io sto a Roma,nel quartiere di Monteverde-Gianicolens, attaccato a Trastevere, Eur, Viale Marconi e Vaticano

23-09-2024 01:10:29


Ti ho scritto su Tg avatar Ciao Lello, ora vado a controllare ed a leggere, intanto grazie per avermi contattato e scritto

22-09-2024 23:28:33