I renew the invitation to husb 
logo La Moglie Offerta

Description: I renew the invitation to husbands or boyfriends in my same condition to exchange opinions and cuckold stories via skype: sonomestesso@hotmail.com if you haven't seen it yet, I have an album full of comics like this one. Go take a look at it and leave comments to those closest to your experiences.
I renew the invitation to husbands or boyfriends in my same condition to exchange opinions and cuckold stories via skype: sonomestesso@hotmail.com if you haven't seen it yet, I have an album full of comics like this one. Go take a look at it and leave comments to those closest to your experiences.

Date: 08-07-2023 07:53:04


Se capitate dalle mie parti (oppure io dalle vostre...) e se tu magniFICA creatura avessi anche la voglia di farti ammirare (e spero non solo ammirare...) da un "vecchio porco" con oltre 17 cm di circonferenza sarei a disposizione quanto prima, online da subito... Fabio mail oibafi@fastwebnet.it FaBanda su Skype

08-07-2023 10:29:34