I renew the invitation to husb 
logo La Moglie Offerta

Description: I renew the invitation to husbands or boyfriends in my same condition to exchange opinions and cuckold stories via skype: sonomestesso@hotmail.com if you haven't seen it yet, I have an album full of comics like this one. Go take a look at it and leave comments to those closest to your experience
I renew the invitation to husbands or boyfriends in my same condition to exchange opinions and cuckold stories via skype: sonomestesso@hotmail.com if you haven't seen it yet, I have an album full of comics like this one. Go take a look at it and leave comments to those closest to your experience

Date: 18-02-2023 09:18:44


Non ho Skype. Uno dei miei sogni da cuck!

26-02-2023 14:11:51


Ciao piacere Bruno....anche a me piacerebbe essere un cornuto sottomesso ho una bella moglie di 11 anni pii giovane di me io 57 è più di una volta gli ho confessato di volerla vedere tra le braccia di un suo coetaneo....ma x ora nulla magari sn già cornuto ma nn me lo dice.... avatar te lo auguro
18-02-2023 09:42:05

18-02-2023 09:32:51