Memories of a summer ago. One 
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Description: Memories of a summer ago. One day, as a joke, we decided that she would lie down alone on the beach, and I would be far enough away that we would seem to be strangers to each other. I knew that she would be approached by someone hoping for a chat and maybe something more. After all, where you are naked, the chances of impromptu adventures increase. I knew that she would not give anyone any rope. In fact, apart from a few young men who passed by to admire between her thighs, other young men, despite being attractive and of an appropriate age (between 40 and 50), tried in vain to chat. Francesca, undaunted, continued reading a novel on the digital reader without giving him the chance to interact. The thing that surprised me was when a much older gentleman by his standards, after having spoken to her, stopped because she responded to his words. They remained chatting for a while, she lying down and he standing in front of her. Then, as often happens in the same situations, continuing the chat, he sat down next to her. To my surprise he did not sit down, but remained on his knees and while their conversation continued, the hands of the man in his seventies began to caress her skin. The rock next to which Francesca was lying prevented me from observing better. However, I noticed perfectly that her knees, bent to be more comfortable while she was reading, moved apart allowing her thighs to spread shamelessly. At that point I approached and enjoyed watching my wife shamelessly offered to the old man's fingers while, with her voice broken by pleasure, she continued the chat with the stranger, while she too, masturbated him. After the erotic game, while she reached the shoreline, she washed her hand of the man's liquid, I asked her why she had preferred an old man to the many young and strapping men who had approached her. He was kind and without that pussy-hungry look, like those perpetually on the hunt for sex, Francesca explained. And after a pause, smiling naughtily, she added, that she knew how to touch. Oh blessed heaven, how she knew how to touch!
Memories of a summer ago. One day, as a joke, we decided that she would lie down alone on the beach, and I would be far enough away that we would seem to be strangers to each other. I knew that she would be approached by someone hoping for a chat and maybe something more. After all, where you are naked, the chances of impromptu adventures increase. I knew that she would not give anyone any rope. In fact, apart from a few young men who passed by to admire between her thighs, other young men, despite being attractive and of an appropriate age (between 40 and 50), tried in vain to chat. Francesca, undaunted, continued reading a novel on the digital reader without giving him the chance to interact. The thing that surprised me was when a much older gentleman by his standards, after having spoken to her, stopped because she responded to his words. They remained chatting for a while, she lying down and he standing in front of her. Then, as often happens in the same situations, continuing the chat, he sat down next to her. To my surprise he did not sit down, but remained on his knees and while their conversation continued, the hands of the man in his seventies began to caress her skin. The rock next to which Francesca was lying prevented me from observing better. However, I noticed perfectly that her knees, bent to be more comfortable while she was reading, moved apart allowing her thighs to spread shamelessly. At that point I approached and enjoyed watching my wife shamelessly offered to the old man's fingers while, with her voice broken by pleasure, she continued the chat with the stranger, while she too, masturbated him. After the erotic game, while she reached the shoreline, she washed her hand of the man's liquid, I asked her why she had preferred an old man to the many young and strapping men who had approached her. He was kind and without that pussy-hungry look, like those perpetually on the hunt for sex, Francesca explained. And after a pause, smiling naughtily, she added, that she knew how to touch. Oh blessed heaven, how she knew how to touch!

Date: 03-03-2025 08:26:51


sensuale e intrigante signora munita di una testa pensante che affascina quasi più del suo stupendo corpo.. chapeau.. avatar Avere una testa pensante è indispensabile in qualunque occasione. Grazie comunque per le tue belle parole. 💋💋

03-03-2025 20:36:12


La conquista di una donna anche solo x un gioco di poche manciate di minuti dipende sempre da come ci si pone e il muscolo più reattivo deve sempre essere il cervello e non quello che si ha in mezzo alle gambe . I giovani spesso sono più irruenti e si fanno prendere dal ormone che viaggia a velocità vertiginose invece i maturi hanno più esperienza e sanno quali "corde" toccare . Io ti toccherei solo col pensiero , cosa che faccio da quando o cominciato a scrivervi avatar Concordiamo con quanto hai scritto. Per quanto riguarda l'ultima frase....lo sai che questo dipende tutti ed esclusivamente da Francesca. 😉

03-03-2025 19:46:23


Di gran lunga, il racconto a sfondo erotico più intrigante che abbia letto negli ultimi vostra propensione a descrivere quegli attimi voluttuosi senza mai scendere nella volgarità è una qualità davvero rara...complimenti davvero! avatar Grazie. È l'abitudine a scrivere molto di erotico e poco di porno. ☺️

03-03-2025 19:34:43


Complimenti, è una delle poche volte che trovo non noiosa una didascalia di più di 2 righe. Non so se sei bravo tu a tenere maliziosamente attratto il lettore o le grazie di Francesca che v8bfanno sognare fino alla fine avatar Grazie. Provo a proporti un compromesso (sono il lui). 70% merito di Francesca e 30% mio. 😉

03-03-2025 19:33:32


Una donna così bella va ammirata e fortunato il signore ultra settantenne che ha saputo stuzzicarla

03-03-2025 16:58:10


Un giorno in estate mi piacerebbe trovarvi su un fiume tranquillo dove giocare outdoor... chissà....baci avatar Mi pare che sul Ticino ci siano spiagge discrete e nascoste. Noi preferiamo il mare

03-03-2025 16:41:11


uauuuu stupendooo e quanto eri eccitato? avatar Intrigato soprattutto. ☺️. Speriamo di ripetere qualcosa di simile anche la prossima estate. 🙂

03-03-2025 16:35:21


che bel racconto di vita vissuta ... bravi figgeu avatar Le spiaggette liguri a volte regalano esperienze inaspettate 😉

03-03-2025 16:12:26


...CHE ...fortunato..... avatar La fortuna aiuta gli audaci.....(e quelli che ci sanno fare 😉)

03-03-2025 15:43:11


Anche mia moglie a sorpresa ha preferito un savoire faire ha ancora il suo perché..... avatar Evidentemente si (per fortuna) ☺️

03-03-2025 15:01:41


La Francesca sempre Bella e Super si nasconde tra le rocce avatar Era nascosta a me e non certo a quelli che passeggiavano sul bagnasciuga 😉

03-03-2025 14:08:07


bel racconto...🌶️ avatar Grazie ☺️

03-03-2025 12:56:11


che splendida situazione avatar 👍😉

03-03-2025 10:31:10


Donna e Femmina stupenda, e da sopraffino pensiero, e porca emozione.Devo ammettere che la giustificazione sul perche un attempato, e non un giovane, che ha narrato ha un senso assoluto avatar Grazie ☺️

03-03-2025 10:00:12


Mentre il sole tramonta all'orizzonte,ti porti il ricordo di quel momento e un brivido di piacere. 🌅❤️✨ 😉💋

03-03-2025 09:20:45


fantastico.. bellissima. brava fra

03-03-2025 09:11:03


Grazie per foto e racconto...mi hanno eccitato moltissimo... avatar Lo scopo di un resoconto erotico è questo. Soddisfatto di essere riuscito nell'intento. 👍☺️

03-03-2025 09:07:12


Complimenti per la tua splendida Signora...., certo che vedere il vecchio con le dita dentro la sua vagina..., da ammazzarsi di seghe, suppongo... avatar Personalmente non sono per l'autoerotismo. Preferisco interagire. Contento cmq ti sia piaciuto il resoconto alla foto.

03-03-2025 08:55:26


Magnifica femmina avatar Lo diceva anche quel signore a spiaggia...

03-03-2025 08:49:00


Sarebbe bello leggere insieme in spiaggia..... avatar 🤭😄😄😄

03-03-2025 08:35:03


E non solo le corde dell'Anima avatar 🙏😇

03-03-2025 08:28:50