Comment: gran bella signora mi piacereb 
The Cuckold


Geschrieben am:10-06-2022 19:10:50
gran bella signora mi piacerebbe corteggiarla fino a sedurla leggi il mio profilo se puo essere di vostra interesse avrei piacere quantomeno parlare skype telegram @marcomaxgeo
Geschrieben am:23-11-2021 16:37:13
Puttana ti voglio!
Geschrieben am:29-09-2021 18:38:37
Amazing... great couple. I would chat a bit with you and understand if the sparks firing
Geschrieben am:13-09-2021 14:59:49
Ciao! Or perhaps it would be better to say: hi!I'm Lorenzo, 34y old from La Spezia.I saw your profile and I decided to try to contact you, although I know I am a little young compared to your requirements.I really appreciated your clarity in the announcement and especially the grammar barrier :)I've been playing this game for a few years now and I had some experiences as a bull, always with couples older than me, from Tuscany and Liguria.I can move or host in a small apartment in the city center of La Spezia.Actually I'm engaged, but my girlfriend is not aware of this aspect of me.I have tried to convince her for something, but so far I have not succeeded.Anyway, you can see some of my pictures on my profile here, or I can send you some, even of the face, by phone or email.I'm a sports lover, especially running.If you want, you can find me via email: or by phone/Whatsapp: +39 3381394974Even in case you decide not to answer me, I wish you a good continuation of the game!Lorenzo
Geschrieben am:07-08-2021 06:47:30
What a wonderful wife! Me and my friends matches all the need you described in your presentation... let us know you! Kik david.borne oppure telegram @Davide5363 o whatzapp 3274346957
Geschrieben am:06-08-2021 16:25:24
hi received your mail, but can't answer here (i'm a novice...) Would be a pleasure for me to play wjth her one day of the period proposed.If you want, we can chat using telegram@WinterSoldier73
Geschrieben am:05-08-2021 13:13:53
Thanks for your message H. Unfortunately I don´t meet all your parameters.I´m 170 of height (muscular, 88kg weight) and my tool is 18 cm. So, I guess, sadly, not enough for herIn any case, let me knowAgain she is makes me so horny, and thanks you give me a chance, I´m very proud of it!
Geschrieben am:03-08-2021 14:40:09
come vorrei spalancarti le gambe...sbatterti faccia al muro..ed inziarti a leccare dai piedi....stringerti le chiappette e continuarti a leccarti tutta ...sculacciarti e poi strapparti lo slip... succhiarti il sedereee..morderlooooo e poi bagnare il tuo pertugio mmmm...inserire la mia lingua fino a dentro...fica e culo ripetutamente..vorrei allagarti ben bene entrambi i canali...bramo dalla voglia di infilartelo tutto dentro..afferrarti per i capelli e cavalcarti ripetutamente fino a farti urlare del piacere mmmmmmm sarei lietissimo di unirmi a te..meravigliosa..donna fantastica..una vera dea skype per rapido contatto kiss ..anche io delle tue zone per lavoro spessisssmo...sarei lietissimo di fare la tua conoscenza

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