Album Title: : A chance encounter on lmo 
The Cuckold

cover album

A chance encounter on lmo

Description: That posted photo to which I dedicate a sincere comment is the beginning of everything. Little by little the trust grew mutually. The husband's seriousness, even his changing the original idea of a possible meeting, are to be underlined: gratitude and awareness of always being an external third party, a trusted and never indiscreet friend. But what happened that day remains imprinted in a few shots, a few video calls shared with him on a business trip, and the many shared emotions ...

From: SecretItalianNew | Created on the: 19-10-2024 10:36:42h

Cammineremo a poca d sopra
We will walk a short distance from the uba to the other. I t...
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 10:41:53h
Appoggiati all'alber sopra
Lean against the tree. Let yourself be seen...
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 10:42:47h
Apri leggermente il sopra
Open the coat slightly. I love this detail but I notice some...
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Date: 19-10-2024 10:43:55h
Togli il perizoma. S sopra
Take off your thong. Yes, here on the street...
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Date: 19-10-2024 10:44:54h
Lo so che aldilà de sopra
I know that beyond the wall there is a bus stop. It doesn...
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 10:45:55h
Operazione completat sopra
Operation completed successfully. I really want to see your ...
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 10:46:48h
Lo sai che tuo marit sopra
Do you know that your husband knows all my decisions in real...
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 10:48:21h documento in t sopra
...I document in real time to your husband. Who can only ope...
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Date: 19-10-2024 10:49:29h
Ti ho dato un ordine sopra
I gave you an order and a slight head start. Those who obser...
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Date: 19-10-2024 10:52:13h
...sarai totalmente sopra will be totally at my mercy. You will be the expressi...
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 10:53:17h
Verifico che sei osc sopra
I verify that you are obscenely wet. I admit that your taste...
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 10:54:07h
Crea dipendenza. Int sopra
It's addictive. Meanwhile I'm also starting to feel ...
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Date: 19-10-2024 10:54:55h
Gentilezza, sensibil sopra
Kindness, sensitivity, sweetness. But also so much unquestio...
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Date: 19-10-2024 10:57:19h
Rigorosamente a pell sopra
Strictly on the skin, sinking into a naturally very lubricat...
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Date: 19-10-2024 10:58:17h
Avrai il tuo gioiell sopra
You'll have your jewel worn for a long time... Because t...
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Date: 19-10-2024 10:59:12h
Questa scena sarà r sopra
This scene will be repeated so many times and even outside t...
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Date: 19-10-2024 11:00:06h
Scenario cambia. Il sopra
Scenery changes. The day begins like this......
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 11:00:49h
Una foto per fare no sopra
A photo to point out some details: BRAVA...
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 11:01:33h
Peccato non poter mo sopra
It's a shame I can't show you how you were forced to...
Comments 0
Date: 19-10-2024 11:03:13h
Analmente pronta ade sopra
Anally ready now to be possessed by skin and vent inside you...
Comments 1
Date: 19-10-2024 11:04:33h