The Cuckold

cover album


Description: Photo story taken from a video of how the sweet tortures the cuckold, posing dressed up as a whore rubbing herself on him and denying him everything. The cuckold explodes in the cage. Do you want to see the video?

From: Kissmecuck | Created on the: 08-10-2024 17:33:16h

si inizia... sopra
it begins......
Comments 1
Date: 08-10-2024 17:35:42h
cornuto dovresti pag sopra
cuckold you should pay me if you want me to turn you on......
Comments 7
Date: 08-10-2024 17:36:30h
le chiavi le ho io sopra
I have the keys...
Comments 1
Date: 08-10-2024 17:36:59h
non te le do sopra
I won't give them to you...
Comments 3
Date: 08-10-2024 17:37:37h
le metto in un posto sopra
I put them in a safe place......
Comments 3
Date: 08-10-2024 17:38:03h
adesso puoi solo gua sopra
now you can only watch and suffer caged...
Comments 1
Date: 08-10-2024 17:38:28h
vuoi toccare? sopra
do you want to touch?...
Comments 4
Date: 08-10-2024 17:38:50h
profumano sopra
they smell...
Comments 1
Date: 08-10-2024 17:39:09h
guarda come mi sono sopra
look how I prepared myself to make you die...
Comments 4
Date: 08-10-2024 17:39:35h
dimmi...ti piaccio? sopra
tell you like me? will men like me?...
Comments 5
Date: 08-10-2024 17:40:01h
struscio i capezzoli sopra
I rub my nipples on the caged chapel...
Comments 2
Date: 08-10-2024 17:40:40h
sono piu grandi i mi sopra
my pink nipples are bigger than your cock my little cuckold...
Comments 2
Date: 08-10-2024 17:41:09h
no no, non ti libero sopra
no no, I won't free you, you have to suffer...
Comments 2
Date: 08-10-2024 17:41:37h
ti amo cornuto sopra
I love you cuckold...
Comments 2
Date: 08-10-2024 17:41:55h
guardami di fronte a sopra
look at me in front of you...
Comments 4
Date: 08-10-2024 17:42:26h
e se faccio cosi ti sopra
and if I do this do you like it?...
Comments 4
Date: 08-10-2024 17:42:48h
che voglia che avrei sopra
how much I want a big cock...
Comments 4
Date: 08-10-2024 17:43:10h
invece tu non puoi s sopra
but you can't fuck...
Comments 1
Date: 08-10-2024 17:43:35h
scivolerebbe dentro sopra
would slide into your wife......
Comments 1
Date: 08-10-2024 17:44:01h