Album Title: : Album 19 preparations for Christmas 
The Cuckold

cover album

Album 19 preparations for Christmas

Description: December 2004, a few days before the holidays we received a proposal for a small gang, but we wanted to exaggerate....we also called our trusted friend to complete the team.

From: Albaetramonto | Created on the: 17-06-2024 18:07:10h

Assalto in cucina sopra
Attack in the kitchen...
Comments 2
Date: 17-06-2024 18:09:25h
... sopra
Comments 1
Date: 17-06-2024 18:09:37h
ora spazi più largh sopra
now larger spaces to express yourself better...
Comments 3
Date: 17-06-2024 18:10:21h
gioiosa.... si sta d sopra
joyful.... she's having fun...
Comments 3
Date: 17-06-2024 18:10:50h
... sopra
Comments 1
Date: 17-06-2024 18:11:03h
colta di sorpresa al sopra
caught by surprise from behind?...
Comments 0
Date: 17-06-2024 18:11:39h
... sopra
Comments 3
Date: 17-06-2024 18:12:01h
piacevole sorpresa sopra
pleasant surprise...
Comments 2
Date: 17-06-2024 18:12:43h
... sopra
Comments 2
Date: 17-06-2024 18:12:58h
passa in rassegna la sopra
reviews the strength...
Comments 4
Date: 17-06-2024 18:13:34h
...davanti a spettat sopra front of admiring spectators...
Comments 4
Date: 17-06-2024 18:14:07h
..sempre più a fond sopra
..deeper and deeper...
Comments 2
Date: 17-06-2024 18:14:34h
... lievi assaggi sopra
... light tastings...
Comments 3
Date: 17-06-2024 18:15:05h
colpi poderosi sopra
powerful blows...
Comments 0
Date: 17-06-2024 18:15:40h
cambi continui di pa sopra
constant changes of partners...
Comments 0
Date: 17-06-2024 18:16:10h
69 + 1 sopra
69 + 1...
Comments 4
Date: 17-06-2024 18:16:35h
... sopra
Comments 1
Date: 17-06-2024 18:17:15h
il marito vede da vi sopra
the husband sees the effects of the game up close...
Comments 6
Date: 17-06-2024 18:18:03h
sotto ...un attento sopra
below attentive observer...
Comments 0
Date: 17-06-2024 18:32:34h
... sopra
Comments 3
Date: 17-06-2024 18:33:20h
un sorriso che dice sopra
a smile that says it all...
Comments 5
Date: 17-06-2024 18:34:01h
l'imbarazzo della sc sopra
spoiled for choice...
Comments 1
Date: 17-06-2024 18:34:35h
non poteva non finir sopra
it couldn't help but end there again...
Comments 3
Date: 17-06-2024 18:35:11h
...comodamente sedut sopra
...comfortably sitting...
Comments 5
Date: 17-06-2024 18:35:37h
mentra cavalcava il sopra
while the husband was riding a guest made way behind him...
Comments 3
Date: 17-06-2024 18:36:33h
ritiratasi dopo il g sopra
retired after the game, the last drop of pleasure...
Comments 5
Date: 17-06-2024 18:37:39h