Album Title: : Me and myself 
The Cuckold

cover album

Me and myself

Description: Myself. With my own fantasies Courting, playing, teasing

From: Ilvsregista | Created on the: 06-11-2023 17:44:16h

Spiaggia a disposizi sopra
Beach available A location behind you....
Comments 0
Date: 06-11-2023 17:49:58h
A tavola sopra
At the table...
Comments 0
Date: 06-11-2023 17:51:11h
Al bancone del bar sopra
At the bar counter...
Comments 0
Date: 06-11-2023 17:52:31h
Brindisi per conferm sopra
Toast to confirm attendance at dinner...
Comments 0
Date: 06-11-2023 17:54:17h
A fine cena, dopo l' sopra
At the end of dinner, after yet another innocent provocation...
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Date: 06-11-2023 17:56:08h
Esausta dall averlo sopra
Exhausted from always seeing him like this, with every cours...
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Date: 06-11-2023 17:57:43h
Il pomeriggio distes sopra
In the afternoon, lying on the bed, you were already certain...
Comments 0
Date: 06-11-2023 17:59:36h
Quel lettino è stat sopra
That sunbed was a killer moment. How much effort I had to pu...
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Date: 06-11-2023 18:01:11h
Quando ad impugnarlo sopra
When you want to be the one to hold it...
Comments 0
Date: 06-11-2023 18:04:55h
Quando lo trovi pron sopra
When you find him ready and wanting you...
Comments 0
Date: 06-11-2023 18:07:57h