Album Title: : Dedications and tributes 
The Cuckold

cover album

Dedications and tributes

Description: In this album I will collect my tributes and dedications for the wonderful sweets of the site... who is pleased by this humble gesture of mine?

From: boy_92 | Created on the: 18-09-2023 11:50:06h

Dedica per Desirè sopra
Dedication for Desirè...
Comments 3
Date: 18-09-2023 11:53:45h
In attesa di dartelo sopra
Waiting to give it to you live.....
Comments 0
Date: 18-09-2023 11:55:11h
Ti piace? sopra
Do you like it?...
Comments 3
Date: 18-09-2023 11:56:44h
Per Monella80 🎁 sopra
By Monella80 🎁🌷...
Comments 4
Date: 18-09-2023 12:56:55h
Omaggio a 'duedinoi' sopra
Homage to 'duedinoi'... succulent!...
Comments 0
Date: 19-09-2023 14:41:52h
Per quel sogno proib sopra
For that forbidden dream of Arnedos's girl.....
Comments 1
Date: 19-09-2023 15:01:28h
Per Nyvesex sopra
Per Nyvesex...
Comments 1
Date: 19-09-2023 17:31:35h
A Manuela68it :* sopra
A Manuela68it :*...
Comments 2
Date: 20-09-2023 14:33:09h
Tributo alla lei di sopra
Tribute to her from "Gemito" live with her pleased...
Comments 1
Date: 22-09-2023 19:48:52h
Dedica per quella gr sopra
Dedication for that great pussy Maxrossaxx who turns me on s...
Comments 0
Date: 27-09-2023 11:05:18h
Segolo666 ti piacere sopra
Segolo666 would you like to see your wife impaled on me? And...
Comments 3
Date: 27-09-2023 18:38:24h
Pensierino mattutino sopra
Morning thought for Erikaroma.. truly intoxicating and 🐽 ...
Comments 0
Date: 27-09-2023 20:08:11h