Album Title: : The awakenings of Penelope, Maremma pig 
The Cuckold

cover album

The awakenings of Penelope, Maremma pig

Description: Things and awakenings of other times! We were guests in Maremma of a friend of LMO, for a two-day gang with 3 other friends of his and Penelope, the only star of the party. On the evening of the first day, when the other 3 had left to return the next morning, Penelope had collapsed exhausted on the bed without even taking off her sandals. In the morning the landlord wanted to wake her up and say good morning in her own way before her friends returned to resume the party ... The photos of how it went speak for themselves. Ask Amarco63, one of the others, if he liked the party or look at the album on his profile.

From: Odisseus | Created on the: 28-12-2021 23:11:00h

Penelope addormentat sopra
Penelope asleep...
Comments 3
Date: 28-12-2021 23:19:57h
comincia il saluto d sopra
the good morning greeting begins...
Comments 4
Date: 28-12-2021 23:20:28h
supposta sopra
Comments 5
Date: 28-12-2021 23:21:04h
entrata posteriore sopra
rear entrance...
Comments 9
Date: 28-12-2021 23:21:58h
sempre più a fondo sopra
deeper and deeper...
Comments 6
Date: 28-12-2021 23:22:26h
il risveglio sopra
the awakening...
Comments 2
Date: 28-12-2021 23:22:58h
soffre o gode? sopra
do you suffer or enjoy?...
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 23:23:28h
ruotando sullo spied sopra
turning on the spit...
Comments 3
Date: 28-12-2021 23:24:02h
mettiamoci più como sopra
let's get more comfortable...
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 23:24:55h
così va meglio sopra
that's better...
Comments 0
Date: 28-12-2021 23:25:25h
impalati tu da sola sopra
impale yourself...
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 23:25:54h
goditelo dentro sopra
goditelo dentro...
Comments 3
Date: 28-12-2021 23:26:25h
il ringraziamento di sopra
thanks from Penelope...
Comments 6
Date: 28-12-2021 23:27:08h
adorazione? sopra
Comments 4
Date: 28-12-2021 23:27:34h
si rimette a letto, sopra
he goes back to bed, the others are about to arrive...
Comments 2
Date: 28-12-2021 23:27:58h