Album Title: : Summer evening 
The Cuckold

cover album

Summer evening

Description: With two strangers just met

From: alechiara2018 | Created on the: 03-10-2021 15:38:25h

Inizia la serata sopra
The evening begins...
Comments 4
Date: 03-10-2021 15:41:56h
Si conoscono subito sopra
They know each other immediately...
Comments 0
Date: 03-10-2021 15:43:01h
Si inizia a fare sul sopra
It starts to get serious...
Comments 1
Date: 03-10-2021 15:43:48h
Sembra che gradisce sopra
It seems he likes knowledge...
Comments 2
Date: 03-10-2021 15:44:26h
Cambio di uomini sopra
Change of men...
Comments 1
Date: 03-10-2021 15:45:19h
Non gli basta mai sopra
It is never enough for him...
Comments 1
Date: 03-10-2021 15:45:54h