Album Title: : the sauna (from before Covid) 
The Cuckold

cover album

the sauna (from before Covid)

Description: With the rain and the wind of these days it would have been better in the heat in a sauna (too bad they are closed for the covid)

From: Odisseus | Created on the: 30-12-2020 11:11:25h

il benvenuto alla nu sopra
welcome to the newcomer...
Comments 4
Date: 30-12-2020 11:14:05h
passano tutti per un sopra
they all pass by for a greeting...
Comments 4
Date: 30-12-2020 11:14:33h
nessuno vuole mancar sopra
nobody wants to miss it...
Comments 3
Date: 30-12-2020 11:15:24h
quattro chiacchere p sopra
a chat to get to know each other better...
Comments 3
Date: 30-12-2020 11:16:50h
è ora di fraternizz sopra
it's time to fraternize...
Comments 0
Date: 30-12-2020 11:17:40h
si rinnovano i salut sopra
greetings are renewed...
Comments 2
Date: 30-12-2020 11:18:38h
gheisha servizievole sopra
helpful gheisha...
Comments 1
Date: 30-12-2020 11:19:06h
un saluto anche all' sopra
a greeting also to the other...
Comments 1
Date: 30-12-2020 11:19:37h
due è meglio di uno sopra
two is better than one...
Comments 3
Date: 30-12-2020 11:20:06h
a volte la conoscenz sopra
sometimes knowledge hurts...
Comments 2
Date: 30-12-2020 11:20:46h
meglio conoscerla a sopra
better to know it thoroughly...
Comments 2
Date: 30-12-2020 11:21:52h
conoscenza sempre pi sopra
ever deeper knowledge...
Comments 1
Date: 30-12-2020 11:22:35h
tre per una: è prop sopra
three for one: it is such a welcoming place...
Comments 2
Date: 30-12-2020 11:23:30h
donna aperta alle nu sopra
woman open to new acquaintances...
Comments 1
Date: 30-12-2020 11:24:16h
si prendono cura del sopra
they take care of the guest...
Comments 0
Date: 30-12-2020 11:25:03h