Album Title: : from Emilia with love 
The Cuckold

cover album

from Emilia with love

Description: Friend from Emilia, first meeting. Then he became one of the "family" friends

From: Odisseus | Created on the: 18-06-2020 06:17:28h

gli si è presentata sopra
it presented itself to him like this...
Comments 2
Date: 18-06-2020 06:19:16h
il benvenuto inizial sopra
the initial welcome...
Comments 6
Date: 18-06-2020 06:19:52h
mentre lui ancora si sopra
while he still undresses she deepens her knowledge...
Comments 1
Date: 18-06-2020 06:20:36h
l'amico la esplora u sopra
the friend explores it a bit...
Comments 2
Date: 18-06-2020 06:21:03h
sono quasi pronta... sopra
I am almost ready......
Comments 2
Date: 18-06-2020 06:22:25h
si tuffa a pescare c sopra
dives to fish what?...
Comments 1
Date: 18-06-2020 06:23:21h
perduta sul bull sopra
lost on the bull...
Comments 2
Date: 18-06-2020 06:23:54h
l'amico ricambia la sopra
the friend returns the kindness...
Comments 3
Date: 18-06-2020 06:24:31h
cominciano a fare su sopra
they start to get serious...
Comments 1
Date: 18-06-2020 06:24:59h
seduta sul trono sopra
sitting on the throne...
Comments 2
Date: 18-06-2020 06:25:25h
il momento della far sopra
the moment of the filling...
Comments 1
Date: 18-06-2020 06:25:51h
effusioni finali sopra
final effusions...
Comments 4
Date: 18-06-2020 06:26:13h