Album Title: : I was loaned 
The Cuckold

cover album

I was loaned

Description: Tonic, bull and friend for years, with whom we have had various parties, orgies and gangs of all shapes and colors, offers to give me a special photo shoot. But I will have to go alone to him in Florence and be at his complete disposal. Already the idea itself is not bad, being loaned by my husband to another man, then Tonic as well as being a pig without equal, is a pretty cool one that you would make at first glance. OK I accept. I'm leaving alone, sent home like a whore ... and that's a small part of the result. Obviously it was before the bastard virus, the one that has made me miss cocks for a long time!

From: coppiafeet | Created on the: 11-04-2020 08:52:10h

Foto ricordo. Da poc sopra
Memory picture. Recently arrived at him, we abandoned oursel...
Comments 5
Date: 11-04-2020 09:03:03h
Mandiamo subito ques sopra
Let's send these two photos to my husband right away. A ...
Comments 8
Date: 11-04-2020 09:05:26h
Ancora qualche scatt sopra
A few more semi-artistic shots, but I want his cock, I crave...
Comments 2
Date: 11-04-2020 09:09:14h
Mentre lui continua sopra
As he continues to take pictures, I am already soaked, I thi...
Comments 4
Date: 11-04-2020 09:14:08h
Finalmente dentro! T sopra
Finally inside! Tonic shoves his hard cock, beautiful ... fa...
Comments 2
Date: 11-04-2020 09:24:27h
Se ben ricordo qui h sopra
If I remember correctly, I had my first orgasm here, after a...
Comments 4
Date: 11-04-2020 09:30:10h
Lui continua imperte sopra
He continues undaunted to mount me, but I have already left ...
Comments 5
Date: 11-04-2020 09:31:58h
Mi gira e mi rigira, sopra
He turns me around and around, he uses me as he pleases and ...
Comments 7
Date: 11-04-2020 09:35:08h
Il porco di Tonic pr sopra
Tonic's pig before cumming in my throat, he abandoned th...
Comments 8
Date: 11-04-2020 09:52:05h
Continuo a succhiarg sopra
I continue to suck his beautiful cock, powerful and nervous....
Comments 3
Date: 11-04-2020 10:02:25h
Un primissimo piano sopra
A very close up to send to my love, look how I suck Tonic...
Comments 16
Date: 11-04-2020 10:03:40h
Ci risiamo. Di colpo sopra
Here we go again. Suddenly he turns me around and without wa...
Comments 9
Date: 11-04-2020 10:06:24h
Nudi completamente, sopra
Completely naked, to better savor every inch of our bodies!...
Comments 6
Date: 11-04-2020 10:08:36h
...e di nuovo a peco sopra
... and doggie-style again ......
Comments 5
Date: 11-04-2020 10:09:12h
Anche la seconda sco sopra
The second fuck is over too. I know I did my job as a whore....
Comments 1
Date: 11-04-2020 10:12:38h
Alla fine vado via, sopra
In the end I leave, still wearing the memorable memory of ha...
Comments 8
Date: 11-04-2020 10:16:04h