Album Title: : an exhilarating orgasm 
The Cuckold

cover album

an exhilarating orgasm

Description: A friendly couple from Ragusa comes to visit me, an aperitif, a refined dinner .... and then ... we went to the bedroom .. He enthusiastic photographer was rewarded with a final greeting from his wife, which gave meaning to his role .

From: matto1903 | Created on the: 20-08-2019 15:38:04h

dopo lunghi prelimin sopra
after long preliminaries in the living room we go to the bed...
Comments 0
Date: 20-08-2019 15:42:45h
secondo il loro codi sopra
according to their code, she warns her husband that she has ...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2019 15:44:19h
affondo dentro di le sopra
I sink into her vibrating and screaming...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2019 15:45:27h
a gambe alte mi chie sopra
legs high asks me to sink deeper and deeper...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2019 15:46:15h
completamente aperta sopra
completely open it offers itself in a dramatic way...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2019 15:47:15h
cerca la mia bocca sopra
look for my mouth...
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Date: 20-08-2019 15:48:27h
comincio a penetrarl sopra
I begin to penetrate her...
Comments 0
Date: 20-08-2019 15:49:54h
mi assapora con deli sopra
savors me with delicacy...
Comments 0
Date: 20-08-2019 15:51:02h
comincio ad assapora sopra
I begin to savor it...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2019 15:51:39h
finisco di spogliarl sopra
I finish undressing her and with her feet she manifests her ...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2019 15:52:53h
quasi nuda.. sensual sopra
almost naked .. sensual .. and full of voluptuousness...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2019 15:54:01h