Album Title: : The Turin cow ... 55 years old 
The Cuckold

cover album

The Turin cow ... 55 years old

Description: Turin friend married ... unbeknownst to her hubby ... who finds her stuffed every time we meet ...

From: viaspettoxy | Created on the: 04-12-2016 23:49:12h

La signora in rosso. sopra
The lady in red ......
Comments 1
Date: 04-12-2016 23:51:09h
La signora in rosso. sopra
The Lady in Red ... 2...
Comments 1
Date: 04-12-2016 23:51:58h
La signora si scalda sopra
The lady warms up ......
Comments 1
Date: 04-12-2016 23:53:16h
La temperatura sale. sopra
The temperature rises ......
Comments 1
Date: 04-12-2016 23:54:01h
Via le mutande... sopra
Off with your underwear ......
Comments 0
Date: 04-12-2016 23:54:38h
Il lato B sopra
Side B...
Comments 1
Date: 04-12-2016 23:55:46h
Per una spagnola...a sopra
For a Spanish ... Italian ......
Comments 0
Date: 04-12-2016 23:56:48h
Ancora il lato B sopra
Side B again...
Comments 0
Date: 04-12-2016 23:57:35h
La patata... sopra
The potato......
Comments 1
Date: 04-12-2016 23:58:05h
La patata...2 sopra
The potato ... 2...
Comments 0
Date: 04-12-2016 23:58:35h
Carezze...alla patat sopra
Caresses ... with potatoes ......
Comments 1
Date: 04-12-2016 23:59:05h
Dall'ortolano...pata sopra
From the gardener ... potato and courgette ......
Comments 1
Date: 04-12-2016 23:59:34h