Last summer, on her birthday, 
logo The Cuckold

Description: Last summer, on her birthday, my wife was exceptional, I almost always have to push her, Sometimes I have to force her, That day she was completely independent… The landlord in the residence had to come and get the money… he and I were sitting at the table He was giving me the receipt… and she came out so calmly “Honey, can you take some photos of me…
Last summer, on her birthday, my wife was exceptional, I almost always have to push her, Sometimes I have to force her, That day she was completely independent… The landlord in the residence had to come and get the money… he and I were sitting at the table He was giving me the receipt… and she came out so calmly “Honey, can you take some photos of me…

Date: 21-01-2025 10:05:48


Top avatar Grazie

21-01-2025 13:45:44


fantastica donna avatar Super fantastica

21-01-2025 10:27:29


Sei la passione – sangue, fuoco, baci che m´accende con vampate tremule.Sei la tempesta dei miei sensi che piega la selva sensibile dei miei nervi.Sei la carne che grida con le sue lingue ardenti!Sei l´incendio! Io solamente ti desidero, io solamente ti desidero!Non è amore, è desiderio che inaridisce e si estingue, ma ci sei tu, per darmi tutto, e per darmi ciò che possiedi sei venuta sulla terra – come io son venuto per contenerti, e desiderarti, e riceverti!Su skype per conoscerci meglio: avatar Gentile e poeta

21-01-2025 10:18:07