The Cuckold

💕 [EXTRACT FROM THE STORY: “THE STORY OF US TWO“] * “Holy shit?? No way..” Luca had sentenced, realizing Marco’s growing interest.. “you can’t even imagine what we’re talking about!” * The next day, as promised, Luca brought the pen drive to the office containing a considerable amount of shots (soft, sexy and hard) that portrayed me in every possible and imaginable pose, but instead of showing them to Marco right away, he instead told him of his intention to confide in him a secret. Evidently the night must have brought him counsel, because he had arrived at work with a determination he had never had until that moment. * In short, after a long round of words, that morning Luca confided in his friend that he was close to breaking up with his wife and that he had been having a secret relationship for some time. * It didn’t take long for Marco to understand what Luca was trying to tell him. “It’s her, isn’t it? He asked him..“the woman in the photos you showed me yesterday..is she your lover!!“ Luca nodded: “but that's not all“ he continued. “I'm listening“ Marco replied.. * At that point Luca confided in his friend and colleague, that over the years he had always had fantasies that pushed him to want to share his woman, but he had never confessed it to anyone. * “Crazy“ Marco concluded, astonished by such a revelation..“basically you would like to become a cuckold“ “It's a much more common fantasy than you think, you know? he added..“But why are you telling me this, excuse me?“ * (EXTRACT FROM THE STORY: “THE STORY OF US TWO“)

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