We are a couple of 51 years ol 
logo The Cuckold

Description: We are a couple of 51 years old, we are not cool but normal people, clean and educated. I am a bisexual cuckold and a convinced cuckold, she is a dirty lover of Black, Gangbang, private clubs, car sex in the summer and loves hard cock. What excites us most are improvised situations, soft exhibitions, but with great dirty deeds to follow. NOW I AM LOOKING FOR A COUPLE OF SINGLES WHO ARE AVAILABLE TO ENTER OUR MENAGE, WHO IN MY ABSENCE WILL FILL IT WITH THEIR OWN. YOU MUST REFLECT OUR PROFILE, YOU LOVE GANGBANG, CARSEX AND BE FUNNY BECAUSE LAUGHING IS ALWAYS A WEAPON THAT STRIKES TOGETHER WITH EDUCATION. Write to me on tg: @robysegrate
We are a couple of 51 years old, we are not cool but normal people, clean and educated. I am a bisexual cuckold and a convinced cuckold, she is a dirty lover of Black, Gangbang, private clubs, car sex in the summer and loves hard cock. What excites us most are improvised situations, soft exhibitions, but with great dirty deeds to follow. NOW I AM LOOKING FOR A COUPLE OF SINGLES WHO ARE AVAILABLE TO ENTER OUR MENAGE, WHO IN MY ABSENCE WILL FILL IT WITH THEIR OWN. YOU MUST REFLECT OUR PROFILE, YOU LOVE GANGBANG, CARSEX AND BE FUNNY BECAUSE LAUGHING IS ALWAYS A WEAPON THAT STRIKES TOGETHER WITH EDUCATION. Write to me on tg: @robysegrate

Date: 09-03-2025 09:40:32


Pronta a farsi riempire avatar Si si

19-03-2025 17:49:43


Mi ecciti come non mai avatar Grazie

18-03-2025 16:21:14


Wow!!! Ma che bel culo la signora...da farci di tutto... avatar Sarebbevtop

17-03-2025 08:05:35


Volevo dire che ospitiamo a Milano . Siamo due amici maturi . Se volete i contatti sono sul profilo avatar Mandami i contatti

15-03-2025 19:05:29


Ciao,sono Marco dalla prov di Mn e mi farebbe piacere conoscervi.Vi rimando al mio annuncio che spiega in modo, che ritengo o almeno spero, esauriente ciò che penso, che sono, che cerco e quali sono i miei principi. Lascio il mio contatto telegram: rogzar74 perchè quì non posso rispondere. Vi ringrazio per l'attenzione e per la lettura in anticipo avatar Ritengo valido il tuo argomentare

14-03-2025 22:54:37


Ciao ti andrebbe di mostrarmela in privato per commenti? avatar No grazie

11-03-2025 19:41:15


Mmmmmm leccare quel buchetto e poi abusarne avatar Abusata abbusa

10-03-2025 09:16:34


si possiamo organizzare volentieri un bel massaggio avatar Ok

09-03-2025 11:29:41