ALTERNATIVE...we had organized 
logo La Moglie Offerta

Description: ALTERNATIVE...we had organized a boat trip and this was the costume I had requested..but there was a bit of air and we folded up in a place with no wind...the important thing is to be outdoors :)
ALTERNATIVE...we had organized a boat trip and this was the costume I had requested..but there was a bit of air and we folded up in a place with no wind...the important thing is to be outdoors :)

Date: 27-05-2024 16:04:16


ciao, stiamo cercando un terzo tra di noi ,commenta l'ultima foto che ho postatA, il miglior apprezzamento verra scelto scegliamo tra i commenti :)grazie in anticipo

29-10-2024 11:16:09


Fortunato….Non ti sei fatto più sentire . avatar ciao , io ci sono e sono riuscito a fare qualche gita ....dopo il 10 agosto sono di nuovo operativo con barca se volete venirmi a trovare

28-07-2024 00:31:41