I belong to no one ... I belon 
The Cuckold

Description: I belong to no one ... I belong to my choices. I go where they welcome me. Where I know they are waiting for me, where I feel they appreciate me. Where they say "I missed you" and where they show me everything they say they feel. There, in that place there is I. All the rest is passage, formality, friendliness ... but not presence.Carla Babudri
I belong to no one ... I belong to my choices. I go where they welcome me. Where I know they are waiting for me, where I feel they appreciate me. Where they say "I missed you" and where they show me everything they say they feel. There, in that place there is I. All the rest is passage, formality, friendliness ... but not presence.Carla Babudri

Date: 01-07-2022 01:21:50
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