Among the nurses there are als 
The Cuckold

Among the nurses there are also particularly sadistic ones who derive pleasure from the embarrassment of others. These people often choose to carry out an activity that allows them to have a very intimate relationship with the patients and enjoy the embarrassment of the most shy people. One of these admirers of the Marquis De Sade once attacked a young and very shy lady who, when she arrived at the clinic, was even ashamed to undress in front of the nurses. The sadistic nurse made sure that every time the lady underwent a colonoscopy, an enema or a hair removal, there was a good passage of medical personnel in that room who, with insistent glances towards the patient's private parts, put her in deep embarrassment. The thing that most amazed Elisabetta was the transformation of that shy lady who, after a while, began to enjoy being exhibited, turning into a little slut who, during visits to relatives, never missed an opportunity to show as much as she could to friends and relatives.

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