If hosted in the evening I mov 
The Cuckold

If hosted in the evening I move to the Potenza and northern Basilicata area, lower Foggia, province of Bat, eastern Avellino... I meet couples and singles for real knowledge and if in mutual harmony also for a lasting relationship to be transformed into wild adulterous moments for lovers of the genre... I am a fan of the cuck philosophy and have more than ten years of experience... I am not interested in emptying myself but I am looking for strong moments to live and to make live, so in addition to having excellent dimensions in muscle and skin I use a lot of gray matter to calm the hot spirits of the woman and to make live really and not only in intimacy the role of the cuckold to those interested in experiencing real infidelity first hand. I mercilessly pinch the most sensitive strings of the man of the couple and reinforce his role with strong profanity and significant gestures giving him the opportunity to give moments of extreme pleasure to his woman... I am ruthless with the beak convinced that in nature there are only two tendencies, the dominant one and the submissive one, one would not make sense to exist without the other so it is right to give Caesar what is Caesar's... starting point: hygiene and confidentiality... I am married and an unsuspected professional and I am not interested in mixing play and private life so maximum discretion and that everything remains a nice playful moment... I do not consider butcher's approaches so common sense and education are guaranteed and required

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