'Ho raccolto i sorrisetti minuti, i tumulti e le ebbrezze che i seni promuovono, le cecità che cagionano, le fantasie che suggeriscono e i nonnulla che ispirano le loro bolle di sapone...
...O seni, bacche sugose, polpose e piene, sebbene non commestibili e senza un termine in cui il sapore si esaurisca!'
'Tratto da SENI di Ramón Gomez de la Serna'#%amp#%quot;
A writing on a woman... soniaschiava
Comments: 3 Time: 26-08-2024 21:04:54
I start writing abou... soniaschiava
Comments: 1 Time: 26-08-2024 21:02:12
Alessio asked my wif... soniaschiava
Comments: 5 Time: 26-08-2024 20:49:08
Let's pull down ... soniaschiava
Comments: 0 Time: 26-08-2024 18:05:01
Do you like her blac... soniaschiava
Comments: 0 Time: 26-08-2024 18:02:06
Her wonderful breast... Giova107
Comments: 22 Time: 26-08-2024 12:34:59
Kissed by the sun ... Baby39
Comments: 10 Time: 26-08-2024 11:17:47
Hard nipples... AdeDa7173
Comments: 3 Time: 26-08-2024 00:46:39
My lady ... AdeDa7173
Comments: 24 Time: 26-08-2024 00:38:56
With or without clot... dream2
Comments: 6 Time: 25-08-2024 19:53:49
He wanted to fuck in... Steel74
Comments: 5 Time: 25-08-2024 13:21:49
To be watered in thi... Emmepi
Comments: 14 Time: 25-08-2024 11:26:48
Who knows how much m... intrigo59
Comments: 9 Time: 25-08-2024 06:55:06