'Ho raccolto i sorrisetti minuti, i tumulti e le ebbrezze che i seni promuovono, le cecità che cagionano, le fantasie che suggeriscono e i nonnulla che ispirano le loro bolle di sapone...
...O seni, bacche sugose, polpose e piene, sebbene non commestibili e senza un termine in cui il sapore si esaurisca!'
'Tratto da SENI di Ramón Gomez de la Serna'#%amp#%quot;
Big tits for old pig... Maricalzandalo
Comments: 8 Time: 18-01-2025 01:48:07
Who Wants to Bite ..... lupinfujiko
Comments: 6 Time: 17-01-2025 14:11:44
and if it wasn't... luc_e_an
Comments: 2 Time: 17-01-2025 10:49:15
for a couple she who... PORCONIESOFA
Comments: 9 Time: 17-01-2025 07:27:57
pearls for swine (re... PORCONIESOFA
Comments: 4 Time: 17-01-2025 07:05:19
roofers, come on ove... PORCONIESOFA
Comments: 9 Time: 17-01-2025 07:02:13
Over to you for comm... Nngnap
Comments: 33 Time: 16-01-2025 23:38:27
friend who squeezes ... celine
Comments: 14 Time: 16-01-2025 17:05:07
and after so much cu... Miriana
Comments: 25 Time: 16-01-2025 10:37:39