Album Title: : Penelope per due 
The Cuckold

cover album

Penelope per due

Description: two old friends on a courtesy visit and Penelope doesn't back down

From: Odisseus | Created on: 20-08-2024 11:25:12h

spogliarello prelimi sopra
preliminary striptease...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2024 11:26:55h
qualcuno tira fuori sopra
someone bring out the artillery...
Comments 2
Date: 20-08-2024 11:27:27h
fate di me quel che sopra
do what you want with me......
Comments 14
Date: 20-08-2024 11:28:02h
portata sul letto ma sopra
brought to the double bed...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2024 11:28:31h
bacio al primo sopra
kiss at first...
Comments 5
Date: 20-08-2024 11:29:10h
petting spinto sopra
petting hard...
Comments 0
Date: 20-08-2024 11:29:39h
il primo non perde t sopra
the first one doesn't waste time...
Comments 5
Date: 20-08-2024 11:30:25h
esibisce il risultat sopra
shows the result...
Comments 4
Date: 20-08-2024 11:31:39h
tocca al secondo sopra
it's the second one's turn...
Comments 5
Date: 20-08-2024 11:32:53h
... ma non dimentica sopra
...but don't forget the first one...
Comments 1
Date: 20-08-2024 11:33:27h
soddisfatti con la p sopra
satisfied with the prey after the first round...
Comments 8
Date: 20-08-2024 11:34:13h
si riprende, adesso sopra
she recovers, now she rides...
Comments 2
Date: 20-08-2024 11:34:56h
infilzata a dovere sopra
properly skewered...
Comments 7
Date: 20-08-2024 11:35:32h
servizio anche al se sopra
service also to the second...
Comments 5
Date: 20-08-2024 11:36:09h
groviglio, la monta sopra
tangle, the mount continues...
Comments 7
Date: 20-08-2024 11:36:39h