Album Title: : Album 21 Black minigang 
The Cuckold

cover album

Album 21 Black minigang

Description: January 2004 another wish of both fulfilled thanks to a friend who brought us some black guys

From: Albaetramonto | Created on: 09-08-2024 10:14:46h

si inizia con quella sopra
we start with what is probably the most exciting image...
Comments 15
Date: 09-08-2024 10:18:00h gioco continua sopra
...the game continues with a bit of timidity......
Comments 5
Date: 09-08-2024 10:18:42h
un'altro si aggiunge sopra
another one is added.....
Comments 2
Date: 09-08-2024 10:19:04h
... sopra
Comments 3
Date: 09-08-2024 10:19:21h
l'ambiente si scalda sopra
the atmosphere heats up......
Comments 5
Date: 09-08-2024 10:20:03h
qualità immagine sc sopra
poor image quality taken from old VHS ...
Comments 1
Date: 09-08-2024 10:21:13h
... sopra
Comments 1
Date: 09-08-2024 10:21:56h
P.O.V. sopra
Comments 2
Date: 09-08-2024 10:22:15h
estremo godimento sopra
extreme enjoyment...
Comments 4
Date: 09-08-2024 10:22:58h
cambio di posizione sopra
change of position to appreciate it even better...
Comments 2
Date: 09-08-2024 10:23:31h
... sopra
Comments 1
Date: 09-08-2024 10:24:02h
ha mirato alto... sopra
he aimed high......
Comments 9
Date: 09-08-2024 10:24:37h
ora cavalca lei sopra
now she rides...
Comments 2
Date: 09-08-2024 10:24:59h
... sopra
Comments 1
Date: 09-08-2024 10:25:16h
... sopra
Comments 10
Date: 09-08-2024 10:26:46h
approccio alla speci sopra
approach to the house specialty...
Comments 5
Date: 09-08-2024 10:27:20h
... sopra
Comments 6
Date: 09-08-2024 10:27:34h
decisamente presa tr sopra
definitely caught between two fires...
Comments 13
Date: 09-08-2024 10:28:17h