Album Title: : The refreshing ice cream 
The Cuckold

cover album

The refreshing ice cream

Description: Torrid meeting in July

From: ilbello | Created on: 03-08-2024 15:40:01h

Benvenuta! Che caldo sopra
Welcome! How hot, huh?...
Comments 1
Date: 03-08-2024 15:43:23h
Ti posso offrire una sopra
Can I offer you some fresh lemonade?...
Comments 1
Date: 03-08-2024 15:44:28h
O preferisci un bel sopra
Or do you prefer a nice calippo?...
Comments 0
Date: 03-08-2024 15:45:25h
Ahhh... Rinfrescante sopra
Ahhh... Refreshing, huh?...
Comments 1
Date: 03-08-2024 15:46:28h
Senti come ti rinfre sopra
Feel how it refreshes you well, all in the ass!...
Comments 1
Date: 03-08-2024 15:48:02h
Strano, il caldo è sopra
Strange, the heat is almost over...
Comments 1
Date: 03-08-2024 15:49:20h
... sopra
Comments 1
Date: 03-08-2024 15:49:58h
Ecco il 'calore' che sopra
Here's the 'heat' that goes away!!...
Comments 2
Date: 03-08-2024 15:50:54h