Album Title: : album 6 Marche holidays 
The Cuckold

cover album

album 6 Marche holidays

Description: It was the summer of 2010, a small improvised holiday on the Marche coast. We didn't miss the opportunity to contact a single of the neighboring places for an afternoon of fun.

From: Albaetramonto | Created on: 21-03-2024 18:41:11h

Non poteva mancare l sopra
The presentation could not be missed.......
Comments 5
Date: 21-03-2024 18:45:10h
primi assaggi... sopra
first tastes......
Comments 2
Date: 21-03-2024 18:46:17h
... vuole gustarlo m sopra
...he wants to enjoy it better......
Comments 3
Date: 21-03-2024 18:46:39h
... anche lui vuole sopra
...he also wants to taste.......
Comments 1
Date: 21-03-2024 18:47:03h
....sembrano gradire sopra
....they both seem to like it.......
Comments 3
Date: 21-03-2024 18:47:27h
....assaggio a fondo sopra
....taste thoroughly......
Comments 1
Date: 21-03-2024 18:47:53h
...ora il gioco si f sopra the game gets tougher......
Comments 2
Date: 21-03-2024 18:48:14h
...particolari.. sopra
Comments 2
Date: 21-03-2024 18:48:33h
...POV... sopra
Comments 1
Date: 21-03-2024 18:49:12h
...altra posizione i sopra
...another interesting position......
Comments 1
Date: 21-03-2024 18:49:55h
...potevo resistere? sopra
...could I resist?...
Comments 2
Date: 21-03-2024 18:50:18h
... la sua posizione sopra
... his favorite position.....
Comments 2
Date: 21-03-2024 18:50:54h
... da sotto... sopra
...from below......
Comments 1
Date: 21-03-2024 18:51:14h
... sopra
Comments 1
Date: 21-03-2024 18:51:55h
.... allarga con le sopra
.... spread with your fingers, what is he thinking?...
Comments 3
Date: 21-03-2024 18:52:42h
impegnata su due fro sopra
engaged on two fronts...
Comments 4
Date: 21-03-2024 18:53:07h
ora cavalca lei sopra
now she rides...
Comments 3
Date: 21-03-2024 18:53:49h
... da vicino... sopra
... close......
Comments 2
Date: 21-03-2024 18:54:09h
.... ecco, lo sapevo sopra
....well, I knew it......
Comments 8
Date: 21-03-2024 18:54:44h
... ultima visione.. sopra
...last vision...then he couldn't resist....
Comments 6
Date: 21-03-2024 18:55:18h