Album Title: : Globetrotter 3 Messages with my treasure 
The Cuckold

cover album

Globetrotter 3 Messages with my treasure

Description: Before and after the meeting .... my feelings

From: coppiaeden | Created on: 25-04-2022 21:40:24h

1 sopra
Comments 0
Date: 25-04-2022 21:42:54h
2 sopra
Comments 1
Date: 25-04-2022 21:43:53h
3. Riuscirò sopra
3. I will succeed...
Comments 0
Date: 25-04-2022 21:44:50h
4 sopra
Comments 0
Date: 25-04-2022 21:45:36h
L'incontro....prelim sopra
The meeting .... preliminaries...
Comments 3
Date: 25-04-2022 21:46:05h
6. Tutto sopra
6. Everything...
Comments 11
Date: 25-04-2022 21:46:59h
7. Indovinate dove? sopra
7. Guess where?...
Comments 2
Date: 25-04-2022 21:47:40h
8. Mi sorprendo anco sopra
8. I'm still surprised...
Comments 1
Date: 25-04-2022 21:48:47h
9 sopra
Comments 0
Date: 25-04-2022 21:49:40h
10. Non pensavo che sopra
10. Didn't think he succeeded...
Comments 0
Date: 25-04-2022 21:50:09h
11. Dopo i commenti sopra
11. After the comments...
Comments 1
Date: 25-04-2022 21:51:19h
12 sopra
Comments 0
Date: 25-04-2022 21:52:23h
13. Curiosa dei vost sopra
13. Curious about your comments...
Comments 2
Date: 25-04-2022 21:52:54h
14 sopra
Comments 1
Date: 25-04-2022 21:59:25h
15. Senza la presenz sopra
15. Without the presence of my love it makes no sense...
Comments 3
Date: 25-04-2022 21:59:55h
Mi sono sentita deva sopra
I felt devastated...
Comments 4
Date: 25-04-2022 22:00:25h