Album Title: : Elena comes back 
The Cuckold

cover album

Elena comes back

Description: During the holidays Elena came with her husband to wish me well ...

From: Ste971 | Created on: 27-12-2021 23:23:05h

Elena beve le bollic sopra
Elena drinks the bubbles, undresses quickly, dims the lights...
Comments 1
Date: 27-12-2021 23:42:16h
“Sii dolce...“ d sopra
"Be sweet ..." he says ..... and soon after comes ...
Comments 1
Date: 27-12-2021 23:44:42h
...“ora prendimi t sopra
... "now you take me ..."...
Comments 0
Date: 27-12-2021 23:46:14h
...“più  a fondo. sopra
Comments 0
Date: 27-12-2021 23:47:11h
“....piú a fondo, sopra
".... deeper, please ..."...
Comments 1
Date: 27-12-2021 23:48:09h
“Aprimi!!!“ sopra
"Aprimi !!!"...
Comments 0
Date: 27-12-2021 23:49:22h
“Più forte...di p sopra
"Stronger ... than !!"...
Comments 0
Date: 27-12-2021 23:55:42h ammanetto al sopra
.... I handcuff her to the bed and ask her husband: Do you m...
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 00:00:09h
Elena anticipa la ri sopra
Elena anticipates her husband's response: "Okay, bu...
Comments 0
Date: 28-12-2021 00:02:06h
.....“certo cara sopra
....."right guy"......
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 00:06:16h
....e inizio a pompa sopra
.... and I start pumping it furiously .......
Comments 0
Date: 28-12-2021 00:07:37h
...lei urla, gode, i sopra
... she screams, enjoys, crosses her legs, struggles ......
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 00:08:38h
Il maritino si mastu sopra
Hubby masturbates and takes pictures ......
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 00:10:06h
Poi accende le luci sopra
Then turn on the lights to better enjoy the show ......
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 00:11:23h
Forte e a fondo sopra
Strong and deep...
Comments 2
Date: 28-12-2021 00:12:40h
La sfondo... sopra
The background ......
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 00:15:05h
,,,ormai non ha più sopra
,,, now he no longer has breath or liquids to enjoy .......
Comments 1
Date: 28-12-2021 00:16:06h
.....e infine la mer sopra
..... and finally the well-deserved cumshot in the mouth ......
Comments 5
Date: 28-12-2021 00:17:11h
Pardon!....foto arri sopra
Pardon! .... photo arrived late from the cuck .... but deser...
Comments 0
Date: 28-12-2021 10:55:35h