A strong personality is charac 
logo The Cuckold

Description: A strong personality is characterized by the right mix between the innate and hereditary aspect called "temperament" and the habits learned through experiences that determine the "character". A strong personality is endowed with self-esteem, decision-making, security, determination and a strong sense of responsibility. He doesn't like middle ground, indecision, excuses, he doesn't have the need to please everyone and he is selective in his company which does not exclude the pleasure of relating to everyone... Well I present myself with exactly these elements, in my announcement I define myself as a "bed animal" not out of presumption but for safety. You will never relate to the classic ambitious braggart of living sui generis experiences to give vent to his genitals, on the contrary you will find yourself in the presence of an experienced 50-year-old capable of managing the role-play through imagination and physical performance, involving all the protagonists , a MAN who knows how to take pleasure in the adulterous situation, gratifying a woman regardless of whether she is a curious and young girlfriend or wife or a demanding middle-aged wife and mother but who also gives relief to the state of mind of a husband eager to experience the burden of adultery intensely. I like to enjoy the body of a beautiful woman but for me it also becomes an adrenaline rush to see the expressions of satisfaction and approval of my adventure companions. I am aware of what I say and what I do. I don't despise dialogue and I don't disdain a chat and getting to know each other over a coffee. I find it intriguing, a form of approach, discussion, growth and the most effective way to meet new people, but please know that my intent always remains that of fuck your wives :) Authoritarian and ruthless with his cuckold and at the same time gallant, dominant pig and accomplice with her in order to intensely experience the thrill of betrayal... I use a highly trained cuck, gestures, foul language, lots of imagination good physicality and a big, sinewy cock... I am available for occasional encounters but also for long-term, discreet and complicit relationships... if requested I don't shy away from taking photos and videos to immortalise the moment... also available for couples on holiday considering the seaside period
A strong personality is characterized by the right mix between the innate and hereditary aspect called "temperament" and the habits learned through experiences that determine the "character". A strong personality is endowed with self-esteem, decision-making, security, determination and a strong sense of responsibility. He doesn't like middle ground, indecision, excuses, he doesn't have the need to please everyone and he is selective in his company which does not exclude the pleasure of relating to everyone... Well I present myself with exactly these elements, in my announcement I define myself as a "bed animal" not out of presumption but for safety. You will never relate to the classic ambitious braggart of living sui generis experiences to give vent to his genitals, on the contrary you will find yourself in the presence of an experienced 50-year-old capable of managing the role-play through imagination and physical performance, involving all the protagonists , a MAN who knows how to take pleasure in the adulterous situation, gratifying a woman regardless of whether she is a curious and young girlfriend or wife or a demanding middle-aged wife and mother but who also gives relief to the state of mind of a husband eager to experience the burden of adultery intensely. I like to enjoy the body of a beautiful woman but for me it also becomes an adrenaline rush to see the expressions of satisfaction and approval of my adventure companions. I am aware of what I say and what I do. I don't despise dialogue and I don't disdain a chat and getting to know each other over a coffee. I find it intriguing, a form of approach, discussion, growth and the most effective way to meet new people, but please know that my intent always remains that of fuck your wives :) Authoritarian and ruthless with his cuckold and at the same time gallant, dominant pig and accomplice with her in order to intensely experience the thrill of betrayal... I use a highly trained cuck, gestures, foul language, lots of imagination good physicality and a big, sinewy cock... I am available for occasional encounters but also for long-term, discreet and complicit relationships... if requested I don't shy away from taking photos and videos to immortalise the moment... also available for couples on holiday considering the seaside period

Date: 29-07-2024 11:31:52


Mi fanno impazzire le didascalie delle tue foto, scrivi divinamente e mi fai sentire come se io fossi lì ad assistere rassegnato alla trasformazione in donna e troia della mia dea... sono 20minuti che ti sto leggendo e sono già alla terza sera...ma come fai? avatar dono naturale il linguaggio ma è un trasferimento delle esperienze vissute in letteratura e dopo 25 anni credo di averla imparata qualcosa

13-09-2024 23:36:02