Wanted suitor for her unaware. 
logo The Cuckold

Description: Wanted suitor for her unaware. A little about her: 44 years old, established professional, highly educated, unsuspected if warmed up with class and romance she transforms into a real pornstar: blowjob with swallowing, facial, anal, double penetration with mega dildo, soft sadomaso, vulgar language. The suitor must be from Turin (or surrounding areas), over 40, no tattoos (or at least not particularly visible), elegant, discreet and possibly with a nice cock ready to open her when the time comes. She unaware, but I will support the suitor in order to hit the mark. If you are interested and have a little patience, leave your telegram contact. The prize deserves it
Wanted suitor for her unaware. A little about her: 44 years old, established professional, highly educated, unsuspected if warmed up with class and romance she transforms into a real pornstar: blowjob with swallowing, facial, anal, double penetration with mega dildo, soft sadomaso, vulgar language. The suitor must be from Turin (or surrounding areas), over 40, no tattoos (or at least not particularly visible), elegant, discreet and possibly with a nice cock ready to open her when the time comes. She unaware, but I will support the suitor in order to hit the mark. If you are interested and have a little patience, leave your telegram contact. The prize deserves it

Date: 10-03-2025 00:49:19


Tua moglie è una donna stupenda e tu sei il classico marito cuck che ama saperla desiderata da altri e spera che lei per farlo felice lo riempia di corna. Ti auguro che il 2025 sia un anno pieno di corna per te e di cazzi extraconiugali per lei

14-03-2025 00:42:41


Sembra in effetti una collegiale e dalla descrizione credo molto alla tua affermazione. Complimenti alla "ignara". @montecayCiao

10-03-2025 13:27:53


davvero un bel premio...complimenti

10-03-2025 07:20:58


Fantastica super sexy mmmmmm

10-03-2025 06:29:16


Amico io di Torino ti lascio il mio telegram @daniele61285

10-03-2025 00:52:14


mmmmmmm me lo ha fatto rizzare subito con quelle scarpe da porca

10-03-2025 00:51:45